MasterNodesPro Weekend Recap 5/31Wallet Updates:1) Nix Platform - v3. 0. 0https://github. com/NixPlatform/NixCore/releases/tag/v3. 0. 02) PacCoin - v0. 12. 6. 2https://github. com/PACCommunity/PAC/releases/tag/v0. дальше »2019-5-31 17:53 225 +
MasterNodesPro Weekend Recap 05/10/2019Wallet Updates:1) Zenzo - v1. 2. 1https://github. com/Zenzo-Ecosystem/ZENZO-Core/releases/tag/v1. 2. 12) Noir - v1. 0. 1. 1https://github. com/noirofficial/noir/releases/tag/v1. дальше »2019-5-11 20:28 164 +
MasterNodes.Pro Top 10 Ranking 03/18/20191. ) Dash - https://www. dash. org 2. ) Wagerr - https://www. wagerr. com/3. ) Pivx - https://pivx. org/4. ) Nix Platform - https://nixplatform. io/ 5. ) Loki - https://loki. дальше »2019-3-18 16:46 166 +
MasterNodesPro Weekend Recap 03/15/2019Wallet Updates:1) Nix Platform - v2. 3. 0. 1https://github. com/NixPlatform/NixCore/releases/tag/v2. 3. 0. 12) Midas - v1. 3. 0https://github. com/mikeifomin/midas_coin/releases/tag/v1. дальше »2019-3-15 14:40 198 +
MasterNodes.Pro Top 10 Ranking 03/01/2019Here's today's TOP 10 MasterNodes on the NEW MasterNodes. Pro! These coins are ranked and calculated each hour and are based on 45 important data points! You can view these data points here: https://masternodes. дальше »2019-3-2 20:53 153 +