Mammals - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Researchers have invented a method to prevent (or reverse) obesity
Dr. Shu Wang may have stumbled upon the cure for obesity. Dr. Wang, an associate professor at Texas Tech, believes that nanotechnology could prevent, or even reverse, obesity — a problem affecting one in three Americans. дальше »
2019-9-7 04:02 | |
Animals eat each other, so why don’t we?
Vulnerable spadefoot tadpoles eat their smaller competitors to speed towards toadhood as quickly as possible. Gulls and pelicans are among bird species that eat hatchlings for food or to prevent the spread of disease. дальше »
2019-8-21 15:27 | |
Ancient whales had four legs, and split their time between land and sea
Whales belong in the ocean, right? That may be true today, but cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) actually descended from four legged mammals that once lived on land. New research published in Current Biology reports the discovery in Peru of an entirely new species of ancestral whale that straddled land and sea, providing insight into the weird evolutionary journey of our mammalian friends. дальше »
2019-4-12 12:05 | |
Carrefour will use blockchain to let curious mammals know where their milk came from
French supermarket giant Carrefour has activated the next phase of plans to “blockchainify” its produce. This time, it’s allowing buyers of its branded milk to trace its provenance with some neat distributed ledger tech. дальше »
2019-3-6 17:55 | |
Scientists prove same-sex mammals can make babies
A team of scientists in China has successfully generated offspring created from the DNA of two same-sex mice. This is the first time such a feat has been accomplished with mammals, and it could have huge implications for humans. дальше »
2018-10-18 00:21 | |
Penis bone puzzle solved by invasive 3D scanning
For ferrets, sex is a prolonged affair. In total, the act of mating might last up to three hours. Fortunately for the males of the species, they are packing a secret weapon to help them through this daunting task. дальше »
2018-10-6 16:39 | |
Stem cell breakthrough might help scientists understand why miscarriages happen
All mammals experience a moment in the early stages of life where they’re nothing more than a handful of cells bouncing around a uterus. Eventually this cell-cluster attaches itself to the womb’s wall and that, folks, is how babies are made – well, it used to be. дальше »
2018-7-25 19:42 | |