Infrawatch - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Filipino Think Tank Makes Another Attempt to Ban Binance; Takes Complaint the Local SEC
Infrawatch PH, a Filipino think tank, demanded that the Philippines' Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) take action against Binance's operations in the country in a twelve-page complaint it submitted on Monday. дальше »
2022-7-27 20:45 | |
Philippines think tank Infrawatch wants Binance banned
Philippines-based think tank Infrawatch PH has petitioned authorities to investigate Binance’s operation in the Asian country. The post Philippines think tank Infrawatch wants Binance banned appeared first on CryptoSlate. дальше »
2022-7-26 20:00 | |
Binance 'a risk to the public,' says The Philippines-based think tank
A local think tank, Infrawatch PH, encouraged the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to investigate the cryptocurrency exchange, Binance's unauthorized promotion techniques via a letterThe post Binance 'a risk to the public,' says The Philippines-based think tank appeared first on AMBCrypto. дальше »
2022-7-9 11:00 | |
Филиппины мoгут зaблoкиpoвaть Binance зa нeзaкoнныe peклaмныe кaмпaнии
Kpиптoбиpжa Binance вызывaeт нeдoвoльcтвo peгулятopoв пo вceму миpу из-зa пpoвeдeния peклaмныx кaмпaний, нa кoтopыe нe былo пoлучeнo cпeциaльнoe paзpeшeниe. Heдaвнo филиппинcкий пoлитичecкий aнaлитичecкий цeнтp Infrawatch PH пpoинфopмиpoвaл Mиниcтepcтвo тopгoвли и пpoмышлeннocти o нeoбxoдимocти paccлeдoвaния в oтнoшeнии Binance в cвязи c нeзaкoнным cтимулиpoвaниeм пpoдaж. дальше »
2022-7-8 20:00 | |
Власти Филиппин получили просьбу контролирующих органов о запрете деятельности Binance
Центр государственной политики Infrawatch PH направил письмо в Министерство торговли и промышленности Филиппин с просьбой инициировать расследование нелегальных маркетинговых кампаний криптобиржи Binance. дальше »
2022-7-8 18:41 | |