Hpz - Свежие новости | |
Полиция заподозрила звезду Болливуда Таманну Бхатию в причастности к криптосхеме HPZ Token
Индийский следственный комитет в Гувахати допросил болливудскую актрису Таманну Бхатию по поводу предполагаемой связи с мошеннической криптосхемой HPZ Token, где инвесторы потеряли деньги. дальше »
2024-10-18 09:56 | |
Indian authorities freeze over $11M in crypto money laundering case
The Indian enforcement directorate froze over $11. 1 million on April 24 as part of an ongoing investigation into money laundering using a cryptocurrency called HPZ token. The funds were seized during searches conducted in three banks and payment gateway providers across the country that served entities involved in money laundering. дальше »
2023-4-25 14:15 | |
Indian Law Enforcement Agency Confiscated $1.2 Million In A Scam
India’s financial watchdog, Enforcement Directorate (ED), confiscated $1. 2 million in an investigation of a fraud scheme relying on an App-based token, HPZ. Per an official press release published on September 29, several apps offered users to buy the HPZ tokens to have higher returns. дальше »
2022-10-3 01:11 | |