Результатов: 135

Джеральд Коннолли: Конгресс не разрешал Дональду Трампу создавать крипторезерв

Член Палаты представителей Конгресса США Джеральд Коннолли (Gerald Connolly), принадлежащий к Демократической партии, призвал Минфин прекратить все попытки по созданию стратегического резерва в криптовалютах. дальше »

2025-3-15 10:15

Комиссия по ценным бумагам Онтарио: «Биржа QuadrigaCX была пирамидой»

Комиссия по ценным бумагам Онтарио (OSC) заявила, что закрывшаяся в прошлом году криптовалютная биржа QuadrigaCX была пирамидой, а ее основатель – мошенником. Регулятор канадской провинции утверждает, что биржа криптовалют QuadrigaCX, обанкротившаяся вскоре после смерти её основателя и генерального директора Джеральда Коттена (Gerald Cotten) в Индии, была «старомодным мошенничеством, реализованным с помощью современных технологий». В отчете, […] дальше »

2020-6-13 10:23

QuadrigaCX was an “Old-fashioned Fraud Wrapped in Modern Technology” – OSC Report

“What happened at Quadriga was an old-fashioned fraud wrapped in modern technology,” said the Ontario Securities Commission in an investigation. The 10-month long investigation into the exchange by the country’s biggest securities regulator revealed that the collapse of the Canadian cryptocurrency trading platform QuadrigaCX was because of a Ponzi scheme operated by its founder Gerald […] дальше »

2020-6-12 17:20


QuadrigaCX Operated Like a ‘Revolving Door’ Before Going Bankrupt: Canadian Regulators

A new in-depth report on the now-defunct Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX shows the platform operating as a Ponzi scheme months before going bust. From trading with fake assets to covering losses with user deposits, the late Gerald Cotten allegedly ran QuadrigaCX in such a way that the platform was likely doomed to fail no matter […] The post QuadrigaCX Operated Like a ‘Revolving Door’ Before Going Bankrupt: Canadian Regulators appeared first on BeInCrypto. дальше »

2020-6-12 08:25

Вдова основателя биржи QuadrigaCX передаст активы на сумму $9 млн аудитору EY Canada

Вдова основателя биржи QuadrigaCX Джеральда Коттена (Gerald Cotten) передаст активы на сумму $9 млн аудитору Ernst & Young (EY) Canada для компенсации убытков пострадавшим кредиторам. «Мы договорились, что львиную долю своих активов, полученных от QuadrigaCX, я передам EY Canada для компенсации убытков пострадавшим пользователям», – сообщила Дженнифер Робертсон (Jennifer Robertson). Добровольное соглашение, подписанное Робертсон, на […] дальше »

2019-10-9 15:00


QuadrigaCX Founder’s Widow to Compensate Exchange Hack Victims

Jennifer Robertson — the widow of late QuadrigaCX founder, Gerald ‘Gerry’ Cotten, has agreed to hand over assets belonging to the defunct bitcoin exchange in compensation of affected users. Liquidating Assets Belonging to QuadrigaCX Bitcoin Exchange According to CBC News, Robertson is set to hand over QuadrigaCX assets still in her possession to Ernst & Young — Trustees of the bitcoin exchange’s liquidation proceedings. дальше »

2019-10-8 13:30

Defunct Crypto Exchange QuadrigaCX Headlines Continue; Canadian Revenue Agency Begin’s Tax Audit

A new authority joins the investigative search on Quadriga CX, bankrupt digital asset exchange that lost over $190 million USD of customer’s funds. Ever since the Quadriga CX case broke out, whereby the Canadian digital asset exchange CEO, Gerald Cotton, reportedly died in India taking to the grave the private keys of users’ funds, a […] дальше »

2019-9-17 17:18

Bankrupt Crypto Exchange QuadrigaCX Now Has At Least 4 Law Enforcement Agencies Investigating

You may remember QuadrigaCX, the Canadian exchange with a CEO Gerald Cotten who died and took all the time of the investors to the grave. In a recent development of this story, which happened at the beginning of 2019, at least four different law enforcement agencies are said to be investigating the case. According to […] дальше »

2019-8-28 21:42

QuadrigaCX CEO’s Was Afraid of Being Kidnapped, May Have Set Up ‘Dead Mans Switch’

QuadrigaCX CEO Apparently Feated For His Life Former Colleague Says The QuadrigaCX controversy seems not to have an end. This time, a former colleague and friends, said that the CEO of the platform, Gerald Cotten, feared for his life due to the large number of funds he exclusively controlled. The information was released by Global […] дальше »

2019-4-20 23:07