Gastoken - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Chi Gastoken Pops on Promise of Lower Transaction Fees
1inch exchange’s Chi Gastoken (CHI) promises token swaps with lower fees. The value of the token rocketed this past month, but does it do what it was designed for? Anyone who has been chasing tokens on Uniswap or moving ETH has noticed the sky-high transaction fees. дальше »
2020-8-15 11:40 | |
Ethereum Vulnerability Could Have Allowed Attackers to Drain Hot Wallets
A recent vulnerability in the Ethereum network could have reportedly allowed hackers to gain massive profits from cryptocurrency exchanges which haven’t set up a Gas usage limit. A Critical Vulnerability A group of researchers discovered a vulnerability in Ethereum which allowed attackers to drain exchanges by burning their ETH on high transaction costs or to benefit directly by minting GasToken. дальше »
2018-11-27 02:00 | |
Vulnerability on Ethereum Enables Malicious GAS Minting
A newly discovered vulnerability on Ethereum allowing for malicious GasToken Minting was found. The development team already acknowledged the issue and informed most of the affected users on November 13, 2018, via private disclosure. дальше »
2018-11-24 18:00 | |
Новая уязвимость в смарт-контракте Эфириума позволяет опустошать чужие кошельки
Разработчик под ником Level K заявил о существовании уязвимости Эфириума, которая позволяет мошенникам производить огромное количество GasToken при получении ETH. Напомним, GasToken — это смарт-контракт, который позволяет токенизировать газ. дальше »
2018-11-23 11:30 | |
Разработчик эфириума выявил критический баг, который заставляет тратить много средств на комиссии
Разработчик смарт-контрактов и децентрализованных приложений (dApp) с ником Level K выявил баг на платформе эфириума, который позволил бы злоумышленникам «начеканить» значительное количество токенов GasToken при получении эфира. дальше »
2018-11-22 18:25 | |
Vulnerability in Ethereum token allowed hackers to suck exchanges dry
A critical vulnerability in an Ethereum token made it possible for malicious actors to force cryptocurrency exchange desks to spend extremely high fees on transactions. Even worse, the attackers could abuse the bug for profit. дальше »
2018-11-22 13:55 | |
A Bug Making Ethereum Transactions on Exchanges Vulnerable Has Been Fixed
A bug centering around a new Ethereum token, GasToken, which was enabling abuse on cryptocurrency exchanges, appears to have been resolved. The details are provided in a report originally published on November 13, 2018, that discussed how the bug was exploited by attackers, and what digital platforms could do if they wished to protect their hot wallet funds. дальше »
2018-11-22 00:34 | |