Результатов: 18

China: Authorities Tap Blockchain to Issue Post-Pandemic Consumer Vouchers

Nanjing, the capital of China’s eastern Jiangsu province, which also functioned as the national capital during part of the Ming dynasty, has adopted distributed ledger technology (DLT) for the issuance of “consumption vouchers” to residents, as part of palliative measures aimed at helping the masses to cushion the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, accordingRead MoreRead More. дальше »

2020-6-23 15:07


What Bitcoin Did Gets Technical with Crypto-Educator Jimmy Song

<iframe style="border: none" src="//html5-player. libsyn. com/embed/episode/id/7132345/height/90/theme/custom/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/87A93A/" height="90" width="100%" scrolling="no"  allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> On the latest episode of What Bitcoin Did, host Peter McCormack interviews Jimmy Song, a consultant in blockchain education, to take an in-depth look at a relatively recent incident in the world of cryptocurrency and use that as an example to segue into a deeper discussion on the possible trajectories of Bitcoin itself. дальше »

2018-10-6 00:05