Результатов: 57

Polkadot funds $600k project to introduce smart contracts, boosting blockchain capabilities

The Polkadot Governance Community has approved approximately $600,000 for Pop Network’s R0GUE team to develop smart contracts that integrates the blockchain network’s native DOT token. Smart contracts are digital agreements stored on a blockchain that execute automatically when predefined conditions are fulfilled. дальше »

2024-5-15 01:00

Ethereum Insider Makes Good On His Promise: What Does The 3-Hour Recording Say?

Ethereum Insider, Steven Nerayoff has fulfilled his promise to the crypto community by releasing a three-hour-long recording of a private conversation between him and founder Vitalik Buterin. The revelation has sparked a series of discussions in the crypto community as the recording sheds light on undisclosed aspects of ETH’s developmental flaws and processes.  Details Of […] дальше »

2023-11-17 13:40


Report: Colonial Pipeline Paid $5M Worth in Crypto to Ransomware Gang, Restarts Services

The global oil market was shaken by news from the United States as a ransomware attack hit the largest oil infrastructure operation in the country. A recent report claims hackers asked Colonial Pipeline to pay for an undisclosed amount in ransom to unlock the firm’s system – a demand the company allegedly fulfilled. Darkside Gang […] дальше »

2021-5-15 23:00

Kimcoin eliminates Bitcoin’s scalability issues: Kim Dotcom

Kim Dotcom has been pioneering the fight for Internet freedom with his crypto-rewards platform, K.im, being the latest venture in this regard. Dotcom featured on a recent Crypto Lark interview to discuss the Internet’s original promise of delivering “freedom of speech, freedom of commerce and freedom of finance,” something which he believes can be fulfilled […] The post Kimcoin eliminates Bitcoin’s scalability issues: Kim Dotcom appeared first on AMBCrypto. дальше »

2019-11-1 21:00

When to quit? An entrepreneur’s guide to pulling the plug

If you believe the pop-psych literature, perseverance is the most predictive characteristic of successful people. But isn’t knowing when to quit equally important for a satisfied and fulfilled life as an entrepreneur? The basic narrative is that anything worth doing will have major setbacks, and in the face of adversity what you must do is get up, dust yourself off, and try again. дальше »

2019-3-24 22:30

Billionaire Richard Branson’s Bitcoin Friendly Space Exploration with Virgin Galactic

Richard Branson was in tears as he watched Space Ship two break free from earth’s atmosphere to mark a historical moment for Virgin Galactic and The SpaceShip Company. Richard, who professed his support for Bitcoin in 2013, fulfilled part of his commercial space exploration dream on December 13. The World Witnesses the First Commercial Space […] дальше »

2018-12-16 23:28