Результатов: 24

Bitfinex подаст ходатайство об отклонении иска инвесторов на $1,4 трлн

Криптовалютная биржа Bitfinex намерена подать в суд Южного округа Нью-Йорка ходатайство об отклонении «необоснованного коллективного иска» на $1,4 трлн. Bitfinex Submits Intent to File Motion to Dismiss Frivolous Class Action Law Suit https://t. дальше »

2019-11-16 20:33

Bitfinex, Tether File A Motion to Dismiss NYAG’s ‘Frivolous’ $1.4 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit

Tether has been involved in a lawsuit recently in the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York, but the company clearly doesn’t want this lawsuit to go through. According to a press release on the official website, Tether explains that it has filed a motion to dismiss the class-action lawsuit, calling it […] дальше »

2019-11-16 00:54