Результатов: 92

Waves is predicted to surpass $10, as Maker (MKR) and Ripple (XRP) rise by 20%. What does the future hold for Raboo (RABT)?

The bulls are running and providing optimism, but price corrections are making investors nervous. Crypto market news has become a hot topic. Keep your finger on the pulse of things like the XRP price and other market-related questions like whether Waves is expected to skyrocket past $10, whether Maker (MKR) […] дальше »

2024-3-28 18:31

Прошло десять лет со дня заключения Росса Ульбрихта под стражу

Основатель даркнет-рынка Silk Road Росс Ульбрихт отбыл в тюрьме первое десятилетие из двух пожизненных сроков, к которым его приговорили в 2015 году. One year for each finger on both hands. Today ends a full decade in prison. дальше »

2023-10-2 17:48

Hodlnaut Review – Interest Rates & APY, Security, Supported Coins

Have your crypto earn money for you without lifting a finger is a good proposition, isnt’t it? Well, Hodlnaut is one of the crypto lending services that popped up in the last year or two and this review will get you up to speed with their offer and how they fare in comparison with more […] The post Hodlnaut Review – Interest Rates & APY, Security, Supported Coins appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. дальше »

2022-6-9 11:54


Hodlnaut Review [2022] – Interest Rates & APY, Security, Supported Coins

Have your crypto earn money for you without lifting a finger is a good proposition, isnt’t it? Well, Hodlnaut is one of the crypto lending services that popped up in the last year or two and this review will get you up to speed with their offer and how they fare in comparison with more […] The post Hodlnaut Review [2022] – Interest Rates & APY, Security, Supported Coins appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. дальше »

2022-4-13 17:03

BOSAGORA(BOA), signs business partnership with PIST TRUST

BOSAGORA signed a business partnership with PIST TRUST, a blockchain-based digital asset management platform. BOSAGORA, a public blockchain platform specialized in Metaverse, launched the MetaCity Forum in May, has signed partnerships with promising companies such as AIITONE, BRI (Canada), IBK Securities, KB Capital, Finger, Crowdy, etc. дальше »

2021-12-31 12:00

Aмepикaнcкaя мaйнингoвaя кoмпaния пepexoдит нa coлнeчную энepгию

Koмпaния пo дoбычe биткoйнa Greenidge Generation плaниpуeт увeличить кoличecтвo вoзoбнoвляeмыx иcтoчникoв энepгии, дocтупныx для иcпoльзoвaния в Hью-Йopкe. B чeтвepг в Greenidge зaявили, чтo будут иcпoльзoвaть пpибыль oт cвoиx биткoйн-мaйнepoв в paйoнe Finger Lakes в штaтe Hью-Йopк, чтoбы уcкopить зaкpытиe близлeжaщeй cвaлки угoльнoй зoлы. дальше »

2021-7-30 11:00


Hodlnaut Review [2021] – Is Hodlnaut Safe To Use?

Have your crypto earn money for you without lifting a finger is a good proposition, isnt’t it? Well, Hodlnaut is one of the crypto lending services that popped up in the last year or two and this review will get you up to speed with their offer and how they fare in comparison with more […] The post Hodlnaut Review [2021] – Is Hodlnaut Safe To Use? appeared first on CaptainAltcoin. дальше »

2021-5-12 15:11


President Donald Trump blames video games (again) for mass shooting

The weekend was a particularly hellish one, as mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio occurred in less than 24 hours. At least 31 people died and countless more were injured. As Americans are rocked by the tragedy and attempt to understand it, the President has gone on record to finger video games as the cause yet again — the favorite whipping boy when the goal is to make a big noise and ultimately do nothing. дальше »

2019-8-6 02:29