Результатов: 8

ArGoApp Promises a Decentralized Future to Revitalize the Web and Freedom of Speech

The founding fathers of the United States believed the protection of free speech was of paramount importance. When James Madison penned the Bill of Rights, he placed freedom of speech right at the top, and the First Amendment of the United States Constitution has persisted as one of the hallmark features of American democracy. Unfortunately, […] дальше »

2021-8-25 15:36

Generational Wealth: A possibility to secure your family’s future with Crypto

Do you believe cryptocurrencies are just a fad? What if we told you that crypto has the potential to help you achieve generational wealth.  The state of the world Mothers, fathers, grandparents, and others in guardian roles often consider one key factor when it comes to their children: money. Have I left enough money for […] дальше »

2021-6-17 14:26

People Using Cash-Savings to Load Up on Bitcoin as Protection in a Record Low-Interest Rate World

The 10-year Treasury note yield fell to its record low stretches, not seen in 234 years, according to Deutsche bank. “The U.S. has been through depressions, deflations, wars, restrictive gold standard regimes, market crashes and many other major events and never before have we seen yields so low back to when the Founding Fathers formed […] дальше »

2020-8-1 17:22


Bitcoin’s Rise Reflects Governments’ Failure To Stabilize National Currencies

Bitcoin is digital gold for a digital generation. Libertarian proponents of cryptocurrencies, like America’s Founding Fathers before them, argue that fiat currencies are nothing but Monopoly paper: Why does fiat cash have value when it’s not backed by any real asset, such as gold or silver? In 1786, Thomas Paine wrote: “Gold and silver are the emissions of nature: paper is the emission of art. дальше »

2018-9-3 16:00