Evacuations - Свежие новости | |
Crypto community raising ETH to evacuate civilians from Gaza
As the tensions between Gaza and Israel continue, Ethereum community member Kat has started an ETH-powered campaign to help evacuate local families to safety. A new campaign ETH Evacuations has raised over $55,000 in the past 24 hours for families… дальше »
2024-4-3 13:56 | |
Ukraine TrustChain Facilitates the Evacuation of More Than 13,000 Ukrainian Refugees
Ukraine TrustChain, a Chicago-based, entirely volunteer-led not-for-profit that funds aid and evacuations for Ukrainian civilians, today announced that it has facilitated the successful evacuation of... дальше »
2022-4-6 13:16 | |
Facebook’s AI knows how likely you are to evacuate during a hurricane
Facebook AI Research (FAIR) recently conducted a big data study to determine whether social media ties play a role in people’s decision whether to evacuate affected areas during a hurricane. And, according to the research, those with the most “social capital” were more likely to heed official warnings and flee. дальше »
2018-11-6 02:28 | |