Результатов: 22

Monero’s Lost XMR Funds From Ledger’s Change Output Bug Have Been Safely Recovered

The Monero (XMR) moderator in Reddit, dEBRUYNE_1, released a post in which he informed that they were able to solve one of the issues that affected some Ledger Monero users. As he explains in this bug, a handful of transactions were erroneously constructed and the wallet couldn’t spot the change. Users believed that their funds […] дальше »

2019-4-10 19:00

XRP Army ERRONEOUSLY celebrating R3 and Swift partnership like a big win

Belgium-based global banking network Swift today announced that it plans to integrate R3’s trade finance platform with its own Global Payments Innovation solution (GPI). Speaking at the Paris Fintech Forum, CEO Gottfried Leibbrandt explained that the platforms would merely explore potential integration of their cross border payment solutions. дальше »

2019-1-30 17:44

Winklevoss Twins Sue Charlie Shrem For Allegedly Stealing 5,000 Bitcoin

The Winklevoss twins have filed a lawsuit against bitcoin investor Charlie Shrem, alleging that Shrem “stole” 5,000 bitcoins from them in 2012. According to a recent report released by the New York Times, Charlie Shrem has made several large purchases over the past year, including multiple real estate properties, luxury cars, powerboats and a $2 million house. дальше »

2018-11-3 20:19


Cryptocurrency Adoption to Accelerate Rapidly in the Next Five Years Believes Coinbase CEO

With headlines screaming about the recent crypto market correction, readers would inevitably become depressed and erroneously conclude that the future is bleak for the industry. However, buried somewhere beneath all the negative news are signs that the entire industry is heading to a brighter, more stable future. дальше »

2018-9-12 20:34


Google erroneously banned a cryptocurrency mining app with 1M+ downloads

In an effort to curb the spread of crypto-jacking software, Google updated its terms of service in July to ban on-device cryptocurrency mining apps from the Play Store. Unfortunately, it appears that (in addition to a slew of mining apps) the internet giant has erroneously banned some legitimate apps – including one with over a million installs. дальше »

2018-9-5 18:20