Результатов: 57

Humanode Secures $2M Funding As The Testnet Hits 1650 Unique Validators

Humanode, the world’s first cryptobiometric network in which one individual equals one node, has closed its $2 million seed round. The seed round, which was led by Republic Capital, included participation from Tribe Capital, Blizzard – the Avalanche ecosystem fund, Wintermute, GravityX Capital, Shima Capital, Genblock, AU21, and StaFi, as well as Polygon co-founders Jaynti […] дальше »

2022-2-11 01:14


Емкость cети Filecoin достигла 2,5 млрд гигабайт

Емкость децентрализованной платформы для хранения данных Filecoin достигла 2,5 млрд Гбайт. Это эквивалент 11 250 копий Википедии или 47 архивов всей размещенной в глобальной сети информации. 🙌 "The Filecoin network continues to grow - now its storage capacity equals thousands of copies of Wikipedia and tens of copies of the Internet Archive. дальше »

2021-2-18 12:16

Grayscale приобрела рекордные за день 16 244 BTC для Bitcoin Trust

18 января управляющая активами компания Grayscale Investments увеличила активы фонда Bitcoin Trust (GTBC) на 16 244 биткоинов стоимостью почти $600 млн. . @Grayscale added a whopping ~16,244 #Bitcoin yesterday, which equals 18. дальше »

2021-1-20 20:21

Бутерин объяснил текущую стоимость транзакций ETH балансом спроса и предложения

Сооснователь Ethereum Виталик Бутерин объяснил текущую стоимость транзакций уровнем, при котором спрос равен предложению. First of all, why is the gasprice currently 465 gwei? Why isn't it 1000 gwei, or 100 gwei? The reason is: 465 gwei happens to be the current level at which demand (the number of transactions people are willing to send) equals supply (12. дальше »

2020-9-2 11:41


Argentine Pesos Smallest Unit Centavo Now Equals One Satoshi

Following in the footsteps of the Lebanese Lira, the Centavo – the smallest denomination of Argentina’s currency – is now approximately worth one satoshi or 1/100,000,000 of a bitcoin (BTC). One Centavo Equals One Satoshi, Almost The economic crisis in Argentina continues to worsen as according to a post on subreddit r/bitcoin by Argentinian Redditor,Read MoreRead More. дальше »

2020-7-4 19:00

Understanding PLONK

Special thanks to Justin Drake, Karl Floersch, Hsiao-wei Wang, Barry Whitehat, Dankrad Feist, Kobi Gurkan and Zac Williamson for review Very recently, Ariel Gabizon, Zac Williamson and Oana Ciobotaru announced a new general-purpose zero-knowledge proof scheme called PLONK, standing for the unwieldy quasi-backronym “Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge”. дальше »

2019-9-24 04:03


Blockchain Minus Women Equals Fail: Celebrating A Diversity Of Ideas

Distributed ledger technology sits at the intersection of two stereotypes. Tech is a playground for nerdy college boys. And finance is a game for old men. Web meets Wall Street. And although blockchain is an innovation lauded for its potential – to bank the unbanked, democratize finance, eliminate the overreach of Big Data – the […] The post Blockchain Minus Women Equals Fail: Celebrating A Diversity Of Ideas appeared first on Crypto Briefing. дальше »

2019-3-9 22:47

$67,193: Veteran Crypto Trader Explains His Oddly-Specific Bitcoin Price Target

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has an oddly specific bitcoin price target – $67,193. Brandt, who boats of 40-plus years’ experience in commodity trading, arrived at this figure by taking the combined value of the 33,000 tonnes of central bank-owned gold and dividing it by bitcoin‘s fully-diluted currency supply of ~21 million coins. дальше »

2019-3-1 23:01