Empathy - Свежие новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
Rob Gronkowski crypto promotions: 'Sincere empathy for fans,' says Lawyer
Gronkowski, Oladipo, and Cassill to pay $2.4 million in Voyager lawsuit. The settlement underscores regulatory challenges and investor protection concerns. In a surprising crossover of sportThe post Rob Gronkowski crypto promotions: 'Sincere empathy for fans,' says Lawyer appeared first on AMBCrypto. дальше »
2024-5-8 21:00 | |
Pudgy Penguins: Empowering Communities & IP Utilization
Pudgy Penguins aren’t just cute; they’re also at the forefront of Web3 innovation, promoting intellectual property utilization and community empowerment. Radiating love, empathy, and compassion, Pudgy Penguins are a source of positivity and good vibes for all. дальше »
2023-5-9 21:00 | |
Crypto community shows lack of empathy for victims of MetaMask token scam
Up to 400 people fell victim to a scam involving the yet-to-be-released MetaMask token, resulting in the loss of hundreds of Ethereum. The post Crypto community shows lack of empathy for victims of MetaMask token scam appeared first on CryptoSlate. дальше »
2021-12-31 16:00 | |
The Ripple Drop: Driving Innovation, Collaboration and Productivity During COVID-19 and Beyond
The global pandemic forced businesses and workers across all industries to adapt to one of the most challenging and sudden waves of uncertainty. Technology, empathy and Ripple’s collective mission are enabling our global workforce to remain connected, productive and safe. дальше »
2020-6-25 21:14 | |
What reading r/The_Donald every day for a month taught me
I tried to get ‘red pilled’ by r/The_Donald and I didn’t even get a T-shirt. What I did get though, was a deep enough understanding of the bigots, racists, ableists, homophobes, and other ‘forgotten’ people huddling in this safe space to develop some empathy for them. дальше »
2019-9-28 01:45 | |
Why empathy won’t get automated anytime soon
Depending on who you ask, AI is either going to put us all out of a job or create more jobs than ever before. Either way, tech education is touted as the path to career success. But computer science majors keep launching startups that are technology- rather than people-centered. дальше »
2019-7-17 14:00 | |
People with disabilities are finding empowerment from Instagram communities
When I search for s are disheartening. As a bipolar pregnant woman, I was terrified that my first psychiatrist was right when he told me I should never allow myself to get pregnant; he said I might kill my baby. дальше »
2019-6-12 17:42 | |
Normalizing engineers’ rockstar status is destroying tech companies
The door handles on the Tesla Model S are exceptionally terrible. Until you get used to them. Until you become an insider. Because no one really wants to wait for an actuated door handle that pops out in deference only to those who are worthy. дальше »
2019-5-11 18:00 | |
Don’t fail fast — get product right the first time
We live in an age where customers have more power over their lives than ever before. Users can tap their phone to summon a car, groceries, a Wikipedia page, or even a dog walker. But that doesn’t mean there’s room for everyone. дальше »
2019-3-10 16:30 | |
Your startup can’t beat Goliaths with tech — you’ll need empathy and vision
My fellow entrepreneurs, inventors, engineers, and problem solvers – this is the age of the startup, period. Technology is accessible, the money is currently flowing, and people (the market, users, customers, and humans) are receptive to change. дальше »
2018-12-3 13:30 | |
Op Ed: Why Your Financial Advisor Won't Talk to You About Bitcoin
Bitcoin is in the news, and we’ve all seen the stories about early investors who’ve made millions and driven away in new lambos. So it’s only natural that people who haven’t invested already are wondering if they should. дальше »
2018-9-21 19:18 | |
Op-Ed: Challenge of Mining Centralization Unveils Bitcoin’s Elegant Design
Last year, growing problems of Bitcoin mining centralization came to light with the controversy of an AsicBoost scandal. As a largely centralized hash rate began to threaten the software’s magical property, concerns were raised that incentives at the crux of Bitcoin’s game theory had broken away. дальше »
2018-6-29 16:42 | |
Japanese Syndicate Wallet Hacked, $10 Million Reported Missing
Shopin — a universal shopper profile that delivers personal shopping experiences through retailers’ apps, websites and stores — says one of its token distributors has been hacked and roughly $10 million in a variety of cryptocurrencies has been stolen. дальше »
2018-6-11 01:22 | |