Результатов: 63

Sensorium Galaxy Confirms First VR Show Featuring Carl Cox

British music powerhouse and techno icon Carl Cox has been announced as the first act to kick off a series of VR concerts in the Sensorium Galaxy metaverse slated for this summer. The revelation was made by Ivan Nikitin, Sensorium’s Chief Metaverse Officer, who lifted the veil on the platform’s upcoming shows during a recent … Continued The post Sensorium Galaxy Confirms First VR Show Featuring Carl Cox appeared first on BeInCrypto. дальше »

2023-5-19 17:00


SportFi gaming and NFTs project Receives $1.5 million in Successful Funding Round

As part of its latest financing round, a blockchain-based gaming, non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, and DeFi platform called SportFi has raised $1.5 million. The company plans to use the cash injection to improve its product and market it so that more people get familiar with the features of blockchain-based NFTs. Moon Carl and Exnetwork Capital, […] дальше »

2021-11-17 13:43


Carl Icahn says crypto is here to stay; Eyes a $1.5B investment in the sector

US billionaire Carl Icahn, the chairman of Icahn Enterprises and the CEO of Icahn Capital, believes that cryptocurrencies are here to stay. He shared his bullish sentiments on the crypto space during an interview on May 16, noting that while Icahn Enterprises has not invested in cryptocurrencies, the conglomerate is studying the sector. дальше »

2021-5-28 17:33

$100 Million ICO Founders Vanish, Plaintiffs Look To Serve Status Network Execs On Twitter

In a letter addressed to the New York Southern District Court, the plaintiffs’ counsel led by Selendy & Gay PLLC and Roche Cyrulnik Freedman LLP, requests the court to grant permission to service the defendants and co-founders of the Status Network, Jarrad Hope and Carl Bennetts, through social media. дальше »

2020-8-6 17:19

Джеймс Альтушер предсказывал цену биткоина в $1млн к 2020 году. У него осталось 4 дня

«Осталось четыре дня», – напоминает в Twitter ведущий CNBC Карл Кинтанилья о прогнозе управляющего хедж-фондов Джеймса Альтушера. Four days left. (h/t @StockCats)pic. twitter. com/4lDoqEB7qL — Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) December 27, 2019   В ноябре 2017 года Альтушер, впечатлённый стремительным ростом цены биткоина, предположил, что к 2020 году значение курса может подняться до $1 млн. дальше »

2019-12-28 16:15