Результатов: 66

Цена токена BRICK от Reddit поднялась на 110%

Совокупный объем торгов за последние сутки на всех биржах составил $750 000. Большая часть этих средств пришлась на Kraken. За сутки Bricks (BRICK), нативный токен сообщества Reddit Fortnite, подскочил на 110%. дальше »

2023-10-12 16:07

$DECO First Utility & Overthrowing the App Store Chokepoints

In the physical brick and mortar economy you can walk down the street and see what’s available. Your economic potential is limited by where you are and what’s literally within reach. Once you go online you need feedback loops to differentiate one supplier or buyer from another, otherwise it’s all just an ocean of static […] The post $DECO First Utility & Overthrowing the App Store Chokepoints appeared first on NFT News Today. дальше »

2021-12-17 22:11

Coinsource doubles bitcoin ATM deployment through new PaaS offer

Coinsource, a US-based bitcoin ATM network, today announced that it has doubled its machine deployment in less than 60 days through the rollout of a new Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. Coinsource has now expanded beyond renting spaces at brick and mortar stores and extends licensed, turnkey machines with accompanying white-glove PaaS features. дальше »

2020-2-12 20:22

Analyzing If Siacoin (SC) Can Outpace ASIC Mining Chip Hardware Manufacturers

Can Siacoin Outrun ASIC Manufacturers? Bitmain’s Jihan Wu is facing backlash for his platform’s production of inexpensive, industrial-grade chips that have negatively impacted the mining game. Recently, Siacoin, an online network for distributed storage, announced that it will provide a protocol upgrade to “brick Bitmain’s” and Innosilicon hardware that are threatening to dominate Sia mining. […] дальше »

2018-10-4 19:39