500-year-old - Свежие новости | |
Mueller Probe Traps Treasonous Democrats in Vicious Trump Lies
There’s a 2,500-year-old Greek fable by Aesop which tells of a snake that ate a bird’s babies at a town’s Hall of Justice. The moral? It’s a dangerous world, and just because there’s a sign imprinted with the word “justice,” it doesn’t make it a just world. дальше »
2019-3-27 19:50 | |
Blockchain to Remold “Go” A 4,500-Year-Old Board Game
Lee Sedol, known as the grand master player of “GO,” a 4500 years old Chinese board game is working in synergy with a Korean blockchain company, The Blockchain Inc, to develop a blockchain version of the ancient game. дальше »
2018-7-17 17:30 | |