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On Collusion

Special thanks to Glen Weyl, Phil Daian and Jinglan Wang for review Over the last few years there has been an increasing interest in using deliberately engineered economic incentives and mechanism design to align behavior of participants in various contexts.

2019-4-5 04:03


Blockchain Games: May Decentralization Be Ever In Your Favor

The crypto market has endured a difficult sobering year, proving that not everything needs to be on blockchain and that crypto is not going to replace traditional infrastructure overnight. The industry is in a desperate need of a successful mass-adoption use case that will prove out an economically sound token model and show the cryptocurrencies […] The post Blockchain Games: May Decentralization Be Ever In Your Favor appeared first on Crypto Briefing.

2019-1-24 01:45

A CBC Casper Tutorial

In order to help more people understand “the other Casper” (Vlad Zamfir’s CBC Casper), and specifically the instantiation that works best for blockchain protocols, I thought that I would write an explainer on it myself, from a less abstract and more “close to concrete usage” point of view.

2018-12-6 04:03

STARKs, Part I: Proofs with Polynomials

Special thanks to Eli Ben-Sasson for ongoing help, explanations and review, coming up with some of the examples used in this post, and most crucially of all inventing a lot of this stuff; thanks to Hsiao-wei Wang for reviewing Hopefully many people by now have heard of ZK-SNARKs, the general-purpose succinct zero knowledge proof technology that can be used for all sorts of usecases ranging from verifiable computation to privacy-preserving cryptocurrency.

2018-7-21 23:03