regulations continue → Результатов: 76


Elections Canada Consults With Political Parties on Crypto Donations

According to Elections Canada, the agency that runs federal elections in Canada, there has been “a growing interest” in cryptocurrency donations. This trend has prompted some political parties to ask for a ruling on how best to manage bitcoin and other cryptocurrency political donations and how to navigate the various reporting systems required by both Elections Canada and the parties so that they comply with the Canada Elections Act.

2019-1-24 20:28


Op Ed: From Gray To Black and White: Traditional Regulations Come to Crypto

For nearly a decade, participants in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space have operated in a regulatory compliance gray zone. Recent developments — at both the federal and international levels — signal that the time for plausible deniability or unregulated freedom is coming to an end and more traditional regulations are moving to the forefront.

2018-12-3 19:20


U.S. Federal Court Defines Cryptocurrencies as Commodities

Although the U. S. ’s cryptocurrency definitions regulations are entirely unclear, policymakers are gaining greater clarity as they continue to resolve more cryptocurrency-related cases. According to the CFTC’s Press release published on October 3, 2018, the US District Judge Rya W Zobel gave the CFTC authority to prosecute My Big Coin Pay, the parent company of MyBigCoin.

2018-10-6 17:00


$60 Million Bitcoin And Bitcoin Cash Stolen In Latest Japanese Exchange Hack

Japan, the home of cryptocurrency, or is it now the home of the cryptocurrency hack? Although Japan now has some of the tightest regulations surrounding the operations of cryptocurrency exchanges, it seems these regulations haven’t been enough to stop yet another devastating hack take place, this time, seeing around $60 million stolen in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and MonaCoin from Tech Bureau owned Zaif.

2018-9-20 12:30


EU Cryptocurrency Regulations, Is This A Good Thing?

Cryptocurrency regulation is a hot topic. After all, many believe that regulation is the key to ensuring cryptocurrency adoption has a realistic chance of being achieved. As humans, we don’t really like it when things are left free form, to police themselves, therefore the general population will expect that cryptocurrency comes with some form of rules.

2018-8-30 13:30


Is Crypto In China About To Hit A Brick Wall?

In two days, we have seen three significant news pieces out of China that all point towards an all out ban on cryptocurrencies from Chinese authorities. As it stands in China, some aspects of crypto are banned and others are totally legal, however it seems that new regulations are coming into force by the day, regulations that are going to put an awful lot of pressure on the crypto community within China.

2018-8-23 17:30