LetsExchange Launches Exchange Service for Over 210 Coins and Nearly 45,000 Currency Pairs

2021-3-3 21:14

The newly-launched platform provides registration-free access to trades without upper limits.

Cryptocurrency trading has generated a lot of interest among the general public. Daily, more people are jumping on the bandwagon. To serve all the people eager to buy crypto, many online exchange platforms have been opened.

LetsExchange joins the exchange ecosystem with a platform that supports an impressive number of coins and additional features to expand the range of possibilities for the avid trader. Crypto enthusiasts are now able to choose between 210+ valid and trusted coins and about 45,000 currency pairs on a single website.

The platform also introduces a set of features that ease the crypto trading process. Unlike other platforms, LetsExchange doesn’t require users to register. It doesn’t perform KYC screening either. This feature aims at saving time for the users. Anyone that wants to buy or sell crypto on this platform will be able to do it immediately, without hassle.

The user interface has been designed carefully to make it accessible to traders of all levels, from novices to experts. Choosing specific coins out of about 45,000 supported currency pairs and then making the trade is quite intuitive.

LetsExchange works with many of the world’s largest exchanges (Binance, Okex, KuCoin, etc.), and the platform’s proprietary SmartRate technology allows offering traders the most profitable rate across all platforms.

The Fixed Rates option is another useful feature for traders. It allows securing a rate during the duration of a trade. This means the said rate won’t change until the completion of the exchange, even if there are fluctuations during the same period. Advanced traders that prefer floating rates to leverage volatility in their favor can do it as well.

LetsExchange athttps://letsexchange.io aims to be a one-stop exchange service for traders of different experience levels and preferences. Novices and experts alike are able to enjoy an array of features that ease the trading process on a single platform.

About LetsExchange

LetsExchange is a one-stop multicurrency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. It supports 210+ coins, about 45,000 currency pairs and automatically selects the best rate across all major crypto exchanges for each trade. Built by a team of crypto visionaries with 10+ years of experience in the blockchain space and fintech, LetsExchange saves your time at each step of a crypto swap and amplifies your trading revenue.

The post LetsExchange Launches Exchange Service for Over 210 Coins and Nearly 45,000 Currency Pairs appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

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