Major crypto exchange Kraken has issued a scathing response to a recent Bloomberg article about stable cryptocurrency Tether (USDT) allegedly “defying logic” on Kraken’s platform.
The article in question, titled “Crypto coin Tether defies logic on Kraken’s market, raising red flags,” was published on Bloomberg June 29, with comments and analysis from several academics and Andrew Rennhack, a former professional poker player.
Bloomberg’s article also pointed out “oddly specific order sizes,” citing 13,076.389 USDT as the third-most-common trade on Kraken during the period of writing.
According to the news outlet, these trades “could be signals to cheaters’ automated trading programs.” In turn, Kraken claims to have spoken to the trader responsible for these specific orders.
Kraken is currently the 16th largest crypto exchange in the world by daily trade volumes, seeing about $101 million in trades over the past 24 hours to press time, according to data from CoinMarketCap.
Глава криптовалютной биржи Kraken Джесси Пауэлл заявил о бесконечном потенциале роста курса цифрового золота в интервью Bloomberg.
По его словам, скоро люди начнут измерять цены в биткоинах.
В блоге криптоплатформы Kraken появилась статья-ответ на недавнюю публикацию Bloomberg. Журналисты издания утверждали, что биржа занимается манипулированием Tether.
Just when you thought the ongoing tit-for-no-tat between the business media and the crypto pages couldn’t get any more entertaining, one of the smaller exchanges has returned fire. Kraken, which was accused by Bloomberg last week of rigging the Tether game, shot back with a blog post that unmasked the technical incompetence that is characteristic of many […]
The post Bloomberg Wakes Kraken: Good Fails To Come Of This appeared first on Crypto Briefing.
A recent article posted by Bloomberg extensively highlights the anomaly in Kraken’s trading platform, which aligns with multiple reviews expressed by other traders. Kraken, the US-based cryptocurrency exchange operating in Canada has responded to the the suggestions stating that Tether, one of the most widely used digital coin is consistently defying normal trading movement.
Криптовалютная биржа Kraken дала ответ на недавно опубликованный изданием Bloomberg материал, в котором говорится о манипулировании торговой площадкой токенизированным долларом Tether (USDT). On Tether: Journalists Defy Logic, Raising Red Flags https://t.
Криптовалютная биржа Kraken ответила журналистам Bloomberg, сообщившим, что площадка использует Tether (USDT) для проведения сомнительных операций. Команда проекта обвинила агентство в отсутствии логики, а других журналистов — в распространении сомнительных данных.
Биржа криптовалют Kraken дала ответ на недавнюю публикацию Bloomberg, в которой говорилось, что она использует токены USDT для осуществления сомнительных операций. Четверо репортёров Bloomberg написали, что рынок USDT на Kraken демонстрирует тревожащие сигналы, которые не должны обойти вниманием регуляторы.
Crypto exchange Kraken has responded to a recent article by Bloomberg that argues Tether (USDT) is being manipulated on their exchange. Kraken took a dig at the article’s complex headline and insinuated that the article was written to have an effect on the price of futures trading.
News Following a expose, alleging market manipulation of controversial alternative token Tether (USDT) on its exchange, Kraken fires off a savage blog post mocking journalists and defending their business’ integrity.
В недавней статье группа сотрудников Bloomberg проанализировала торги «скандально известным» стейблкоином Tether (USDT) на бирже Kraken. Журналистам показалось странным распределение размеров ордеров в паре USDT/USD, многие из которых были выставлены с трёхзначными цифрами после запятой (к примеру, ...
Following a Bloomberg News expose, alleging market manipulation of controversial alternative token Tether (USDT) on its exchange, Kraken fires off a savage blog post mocking journalists and defending their business’ integrity.
According to a recent report by Bloomberg, huge trades move prices about the same as small ones, disregarding the normal rules of economics when it comes to the coin Tether. Bloomberg’s article mentions: “According to a review of Kraken’s public order book—a pattern that experts on market manipulation view as a red flag. The mystery is bracketed […]
Massive trade orders on Kraken fail to sway the price of Tether any further than modest ones, leaving researchers and analysts puzzled. Unlikely Coincidences “USD-backed” Tether (USDT) is making headlines yet again for the dubious activity surrounding the token.
After accusations that Tether was used to manipulate Bitcoin’s price during the cryptocurrency market’s 2017 peak, experts are now looking closely at Tether’s logic-defying activity on the exchange Kraken.
There is substantial controversy surrounding Tether, a cryptocurrency that claims to be pegged to the U. S. dollar. According to Tether, each Tether token is backed by one U.
Jeff Gross, a poker superstar, is now 2Crazy brand ambassador, an exclusive news on August 22 reveals. 2Crazy Partners with Jeff Gross, to be the Global Brand Ambassador The deal is an important step for the eSports site, which acts as a poker and NFTs platform.
Crypto poker sites have been gaining in popularity in 2020 and there’s no doubt it’ll continue through 2021. But what about beyond that? Will Bitcoin be around for the foreseeable future? If so, will Bitcoin in poker? The answer depends on factors that are out of our hands.
Do you like poker? Do you like cryptocurrency? If the answer is yes, you will love EOS. While platforms like Tron are only getting started, and have simpler games like “Dice52,” regular dice, and “moon” available, a project called PokerKing has built a fully functioning Texas Hold ‘Em game on EOS.
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