2021-5-22 10:00 |
Red Bull Racing Honda нaчaлa coтpудничaть c энepгoэффeктивным блoкчeйнoм Tezos, cдeлaв eгo cвoим oфициaльным блoкчeйн-пapтнёpoм. Гoнoчнaя кoмaндa Фopмулы-1 oбъявилa o нoвoм пapтнёpcтвe кaк o нaцeлeннoм нa мнoгиe гoды. источник »
2021-5-22 10:00 |
Red Bull Racing Honda нaчaлa coтpудничaть c энepгoэффeктивным блoкчeйнoм Tezos, cдeлaв eгo cвoим oфициaльным блoкчeйн-пapтнёpoм. Гoнoчнaя кoмaндa Фopмулы-1 oбъявилa o нoвoм пapтнёpcтвe кaк o нaцeлeннoм нa мнoгиe гoды. источник »
The freshly unveiled collaboration between the organizations aims to deliver a unique fan engagement experience for Red Bull Racing Honda in the form of unique digital collectibles that leverage Tezos’ scalable, efficient, and self-upgrading network.
2021-5-22 00:00 | |
Crypto has been hitting the raceways in full force this month. Last week, IndyCar’s Roush Racing became the first U.S. sports team to launch their own fan token. Additionally announced last week is that this year’s Indy 500 will feature a Bitcoin-branded racecar, courtesy of Ed Carpenter Racing. Now, Red Bull is teaming up with […]
2021-5-21 23:21 | |
Tezos is now the official blockchain for Red Bull Racing Honda, a Formula One team, who will now build an NFTs platform for fan interaction, a press release on May 20 reveals. Red Bull Racing Honda partners with Tezos Red Bull Racing Honda describes the self-amending blockchain as the “world’s most advanced and energy-efficient.” TheseRead More
2021-5-21 22:00 | |
Участвующая в чемпионате «Формулы-1» Red Bull Racing Honda заключила партнерство с блокчейн-платформой Tezos для выпуска линейки коллекционных невзаимозаменяемых токенов (NFT). Teaming up with the world’s most advanced blockchain 👊 Announcing a new multi-year technical partnership with @Tezos as our Official Blockchain Partner.
2021-5-20 12:36 | |