Jordan Belfort, the former stock broker made famous by Leonardo DiCaprio in Martin Scorsese’s “Wolf of Wall Street,” is intimately familiar with scams.
According to Belfort, that experience has given him insight into a modern financial asset: Bitcoin.
“[Bitcoin] is all based on the Great Fools Theory,” Belfort says in a recent YouTube video.
Bitcoin traded near $6,600 Monday morning according to data from Coindesk, a 12 percent rebound from the cryptocurrency’s lows last month.
In 2017, bitcoin soared from below $1,000 to over $19,000 in December, before plummeting at the start of this year.
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В Великобритании 17 февраля телевизионный канал Channel 4 представит документальный фильм под названием «В поисках Сатоси: Таинственный создатель Биткоина».
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A YouTube sensation is currently under fire after several on-chain investigators found traces of information that linked the social media influencer to dubious cryptocurrency promotions. These recent allegations against the content creator, MrBeast, again opened the debate on whether influencers should be held accountable when promoting crypto.