Setting the record straight, Barry Silbert, CEO of Grayscale Investments LLC, tweeted his company’s investment report, which shows that “56% of $250 mm raised till date came from institutional investors.”
Institutional Investors While the progress made by Grayscale is quite encouraging, perhaps the most salient finding is where the money is coming from.
The report states that 56 percent of its investment came from institutional investors, with an average investment of $848,000.
Institutional investors might favor it more because its value is directly related to the market, much like the index fund these traditional investors are probably accustomed to.
Grayscale Investments LLC is a one-stop shop for investors who want to benefit from digital currencies without actually holding them.
In its recent Digital Asset Investment Report, Grayscale Investments LLC, an investment company that specializes in cryptocurrency funds, revealed that it has raised $250 million through new asset investments in this year alone.
The emergence of new regulations continues to fuel an influx of institutional capital in the cryptocurrency sector. In its H1 2018 report, Grayscale Investments revealed that the majority of cryptocurrency investments are coming from institutional investors.
The first-ever investment report released by major crypto fund Grayscale Investments reveals that 56% of capital inflow this year is from institutional investors
The Bank for International Settlements is not a fan of cryptocurrencies, and it hasn’t shied away from expressing its view. Having released a scathing report on why cryptos are a poor substitute for the institutional backing of money less than two weeks ago, the bank’s general manager was at it again, this time calling cryptos […]
Coinbase continues to grow with their new high-end investment product Coinbase Custody, while Binance had to run a system update following some issues with its Syscoin wallet API.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published a report, which analyzes the opportunities and risks emerging for financial institutions in using distributed ledger technology (DLT). The report says that DLT and smart contracts provide a range of opportunities, the most promising of which are the potential efficiency gains, conservative management of costs, and lower risk
A European regulator has released a report on DLT usage in the financial sector, stating that the technology still struggles with legal uncertainty and poses a number of risks