Результатов: 72

Gaming Platform Enjin and Metaverseme Merge NFTs With Augmented Reality to Enhance Gaming Experience

The blockchain gaming platform, Enjin and Metaverseme, an augmented reality (AR) platform are set to introduce tradeable AR fashion assets to the Ethereum blockchain. The Enjin-powered non-fungible token (NFT), which can be worn by users’ avatars in the Metaverseme app, will launch on February 23. дальше »

2021-1-28 07:30


Brand New Protocol, DIGITALAX, Brings NFT Adoption Into the Real World

DIGITALAX, a digital fashion focused NFT protocol on Ethereum, launched less than 2 months ago at the end of October and is already making headlines. It is the first NFT protocol to have its digital fashion wearable NFTs recognized by a non-blockchain gaming company— the leading silicon valley based virtual experiences platform, Youcanevent. дальше »

2020-12-17 20:00

YFI Founder Andre Cronje ‘Still Building’ the DeFi Project that Got Hacked for $16 Million

Amidst the craze and shift toward non-fungible tokens (NFT), DeFi sweetheart yEarn’s founder Andre Cronje’s latest project saw rug pulled on $16 million. The project was Eminence Finance (EMN), an unreleased and unfinished gaming multiverse project whose smart contracts were deployed last night but without any announcement. дальше »

2020-9-29 17:47

Игpa «Дoктop Kтo» зaпуcтитcя нa Ethereum в 2021 гoду

Игpa, paзpaбoтaннaя бpитaнcким издaтeлeм Realitу Gaming Group пo лицeнзии BBC Studios, будeт включaть нeвзaимoзaмeняeмыe тoкeны (NFT) для пpeдcтaвлeния кoллeкциoнныx кapтoчeк c изoбpaжeниeм пepcoнaжeй из бpитaнcкoгo нaучнo-фaнтacтичecкoгo тeлecepиaлa «Дoктop Kтo» зa вcю eгo 57-лeтнюю иcтopию. дальше »

2020-8-14 13:00