2018-9-8 19:54 |
Protesters temporarily occupied the building site for a planned Google campus in Berlin Germany today. Eyewitness reports indicate at least six people have been arrested by local authorities. The protesters, part of a Berlin-based “occupy” group, descended on the campus site at approximately 3:00 PM local time.
Social media posts and blog reports indicate the affair was quickly broken up by police in riot gear. 15:30 | #besetzen #NoGoogle I Statement eines Augenzeugen nach Besetzung Umspannwerk Kreuzberg (geplanter #GoogleCampus). Mehrere Verletzte & Festgenommene. Berlin, Ohlauerstr. /Landwehrkanal, 7. 9. 18#fuckoffgoogle #NoGoogleCampushttps://t. co/BiIp7JeXyW https://t. co/QYf19L4mo9 pic. twitter. com/w9qNWXkBdE — Freundeskreis Videoclips (@freundeskreisv) September 7, 2018 The reason for the…
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