
How game trailers are inspired by the world of film

Games and movies, despite being two separate kinds of media, have a lot in common, and the point where they intersect the most is in their trailers. Recently I wrote an article about the trend of dark, confusing cinematic trailers, and where they sit in the hype cycle that constitutes a game’s pre-release marketing campaign. дальше »

2018-8-9 02:11

Sony announces limited edition ‘Amazing Red’ PS4 Pro bundle

Sony today announced a custom-edition PlayStation 4 that features a bright red exterior adorned with the logo of everyone’s favorite web-slinger. I’m not a fan of custom-edition consoles. I’d like to think that when I fork over upwards of $500 that the console I just bought is going to be, visually speaking, something I’ll have to live with for the next several years — until a new version takes its place. дальше »

2018-7-20 03:15