21:30sam bankman-fried 0 + SBF fumbles in his first Twitter interview, while Elon Musk and Ye drama ensues18:37USA 0 + Neil Ferguson’s Lockdown Model Ridiculed After its Code is Open Sourced05:47Cryptocurrencies 0 + R3 CEO: Facebook’s Announcement of Libra Was ‘Ridiculously Stupid’00:06Adoption & community 4 + San Francisco’s “Bitcoin Mafia”: How Bitcoin Started in the City on the Bay
21:30sam bankman-fried 0 + SBF fumbles in his first Twitter interview, while Elon Musk and Ye drama ensues
00:06Adoption & community 4 + San Francisco’s “Bitcoin Mafia”: How Bitcoin Started in the City on the Bay
19:34SPACE 0 + Ridiculed no longer? US Space Force will launch NFT line18:45hard fork 2 + Craig Wright Thinks Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash Owe Him $100B+19:58#twitter 0 + A New Fake Satoshi Appears, Claims to Be the ‘Co-Founder of Bitcoin’14:29Bitcoin 0 + Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator “Faketoshi” Wright Ridiculed on Twitter [Again]
23:45underlying cryptographic algorithm 1 + Peter Schiff’s Bitcoin Hack Comment Invites Ridicule14:50News 0 + ‘Bought a Bunch of Bitcoin, Price Should Recover Now’ Boasts Latest Satoshi Claimant17:00ZCash 0 + The Daily: Privacy Coin Strength Debated, Hardware Wallet Exploit Demonstrated