03:56 Martin Schlegel 0 + Proposal mandating the Swiss National Bank to hold Bitcoin now underway16:15Business 0 + Swiss Central Bank Urged to Add Bitcoin to Balance Sheet14:22News 0 + Swiss Referendum to Add Bitcoin to Bank Reserves Proposed22:58Polkadot 0 + Сообщество Polkadot проголосовало за деноминацию DOT в 100 раз01:56Cryptocurrency Prices 0 + Brexit Delayed Six Months, Crypto Markets Respond20:29EOS 0 + New EOS Referendum System Goes Live in Beta06:00EOS 0 + EOS See’s Biggest Boost For Months With New Referendum Announcement
21:22 United States 0 + Sen. Elizabeth Warren will debate lawyer John Deaton twice in October09:20Donations 0 + US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to accept Bitcoin for campaign donations13:06Voatz 0 + Venezuela Holds Unofficial Referendum Using Blockchain, Millions of Votes Cast14:49Politics 0 + Bitcoin and the British Constitutional Crisis00:17UK 0 + If the UK holds a second Brexit referendum, can it protect it from trolls and astroturfers?20:59EOS 0 + New EOS Referendum Tool Could Enter Public Beta This Week
09:20Donations 0 + US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to accept Bitcoin for campaign donations
00:17UK 0 + If the UK holds a second Brexit referendum, can it protect it from trolls and astroturfers?
18:06 Economic Freedom 0 + US senate hopefuls look for crypto bump at Bitcoin 202400:34Coin Governance System 0 + Wormhole wins second ‘temp check’ to become bridge for Uniswap governance11:45venezuela sanctions 0 + Millions of Venezuelans Voted via Blockchain in an Unofficial Anti-Maduro Referendum08:36Price Watch 0 + Block Producers change EOS constitution following voting gridlock16:10security 0 + What does Brexit mean for the fight against cybercrime?13:00Spain 0 + Catalan Independence Leaders Turn to Bitcoin for Donations
00:34Coin Governance System 0 + Wormhole wins second ‘temp check’ to become bridge for Uniswap governance
11:45venezuela sanctions 0 + Millions of Venezuelans Voted via Blockchain in an Unofficial Anti-Maduro Referendum