14:51Web3 0 + XRPL’s fixReducedOffersV1 upgrade initiates 80% consensus countdown23:13SHIBUSD 0 + Shiba Inu Becomes Most Talked About Crypto Asset On Social Media, Eclipsing Bitcoin, Ethereum, And Dogecoin16:00travel industry 0 + How Crypto Can Save the Travel Industry08:48Apps 0 + A new mobile app can detect anemia without a blood test14:00Valens Bank 0 + Blocktrade Technology-Valens Bank Partnership Reveals ‘Crypto Fund Trading’ Access for Clients
23:13SHIBUSD 0 + Shiba Inu Becomes Most Talked About Crypto Asset On Social Media, Eclipsing Bitcoin, Ethereum, And Dogecoin
14:00Valens Bank 0 + Blocktrade Technology-Valens Bank Partnership Reveals ‘Crypto Fund Trading’ Access for Clients
15:57Regulation 0 + CFTC struggling to police cryptocurrency fraud00:11xbtusd 0 + MoneyGram Debuts Cash-For-Bitcoin Trades At Over 12,000 Locations21:33Regulation 0 + Despite Industry Pushback, G20 May Impose Stricter KYC Policy on Exchanges18:24hard fork 0 + Criminals used Bitcoin to launder $2.5B in dirty money, data shows
14:32FTX 0 + Australia To Make Regulatory Changes To Boost Security In Crypto Sector17:25News 0 + Analytics: Bitcoin positive mentions in social networks are at all-time low21:42Gaming 0 + The real-life Pinkertons take issue with their inclusion in Red Dead Redemption 218:55vulnerability 2 + 25% of All Smart Contracts Contain Critical Bugs