00:00Adoption 0 + Bitcoin is 'more religion than solution,' says billionaire Mark Cuban22:10Media 0 + Major Crypto Media Outlets Caught Red-Handed Selling Fake News20:51 1 + Distributed Dialogues: Blockchain’s Better Side
21:00ripple 0 + Thousands Sent to Ethereum and Bitcoin Youtube Scams of Fake Livestreams with Elon Musk, Vitalik Buterin, Brian Armstrong, Roger Ver and the XRP Guy00:05Markets 0 + Joe Crypto: Check Out The New Kid!
21:00ripple 0 + Thousands Sent to Ethereum and Bitcoin Youtube Scams of Fake Livestreams with Elon Musk, Vitalik Buterin, Brian Armstrong, Roger Ver and the XRP Guy
22:40United States 0 + The US Army wants us to pretend autonomous tanks aren’t killer robots19:04Tech 2 + Researchers paid people to talk to themselves so AI will sound less dumb