21:47Wazirx 1 + WazirX publishes $230m hack post-mortem02:20Theymos 0 + Bitcoin History Part 23: The First BTC Escrow00:45Upgrade 0 + Bitcoin Cash Devs Publish the First 3 of 3 Multi-Sig Schnorr Transaction01:06Adoption & community 0 + Thailand Uses Blockchain-Supported Electronic Voting System in Primaries21:30monero 0 + Monero Have A Dedicated Research Team That Need Your Help
01:06Adoption & community 0 + Thailand Uses Blockchain-Supported Electronic Voting System in Primaries
21:20Sushiswap Creator 0 + Defi’s Raw Deal: Sushiswap Creator Transfers Multi-Sig Control to FTX CEO13:55#cryptography 0 + Binance CEO: New Wallet Security Solution ‘Far Superior’ to Multi-Sig14:03хардфорк 0 + Криптовалюта Tron растет в цене на фоне анонса предстоящего хардфорка21:42Investing 2 + Unchained Capital Revamps Loans With Multi-Party, Multi-Sig Storage15:03hard fork 0 + Cryptocurrency researchers ask for XMR donations to secure Monero wallets
09:27USDT 0 + HaruBank Collaborates with BitGo to Ensure Security of Its Clients’ Crypto Asset01:00Over-the-counter trades 0 + Hodl Hodl And L2B Global To Launch New Bitcoin OTC Desk02:05Investing 4 + Abra Users Can Now Buy Stocks and ETFs Using Bitcoin02:13Op-ed 2 + Novice, Intermediate or Expert? A Quiz to Test Your Bitcoin Knowledge19:12Privacy & security 1 + Blockchain Auditing and the Industry’s "Knowledge Gap"