20:00Taraxa 0 + SV-Based Taraxa Revolutionizes Legacy Data Auditing With Mathematically Provable Audit Trails17:00XRP 0 + xRapid Brings on Three New Exchange Partners
20:00Taraxa 0 + SV-Based Taraxa Revolutionizes Legacy Data Auditing With Mathematically Provable Audit Trails
11:10token sale 0 + The State Encourages ICO Fraud. The Free Market Minimizes It 22:13News 0 + Coinbase Index Fund Adds ETC, Minimizes Fee To Charm Investors
19:00Wendy McElroy 0 + Wendy McElroy: From Drugs to Gold and Prostitution, the Blockchain Minimizes Violence00:48Adoption & community 0 + Op-Ed: Bitcoin’s Roots in the Great Law of Peace
19:00Wendy McElroy 0 + Wendy McElroy: From Drugs to Gold and Prostitution, the Blockchain Minimizes Violence