19:27solana 0 + Why did the Solana blockchain halt again?15:36Etherscan 0 + Client malfunction brings down Ethereum’s most popular block explorer18:20Insider 0 + Scary video shows Delta plane engine malfunction before emergency landing13:30Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork 0 + Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork: Damage Control and Fixing the Bug
21:13News 0 + Changpeng Zhao crosses swords with Elon Musk23:15Facebook 1 + Facebook’s Anti-Spam System Wrongly Restricts Coronavirus-Related News15:43News 0 + Bitcoin ATM Spits Out Cash
19:01Prysmatic Labs 0 + Prysmatic Labs Releases Important Update on Eth2 Development17:26News 0 + Cryptocurrency exchange lost court case of canceled transactions17:43Payments 0 + Watchtowers Are Coming to Lightning