11:55Твиттер 0 + Хакеры взломали аккаунт Пола Кругмана для продвижения токена NYTC02:57Bitcoin 0 + What Paul Krugman gets wrong about crypto21:33USA 1 + Paul Krugman: “I Don’t Have a Blockchain Wallet”23:00Saifedean Ammous 0 + Hey Paul Krugman, Bitcoin Doesn’t Need ‘Men With Guns’ to Have Value10:00Venture Beat 0 + How Self-Proclaimed Tech Know-Nothing Paul Krugman Got it Wrong… Again21:06premine 0 + The Miner’s Dilemma: Premined Coins Making Headway14:12vitalik buterin 2 + The Weekly: China Hires Cryptographer, McDonald’s Unveils Maccoin19:00paul krugman 0 + ‘Delusional’ Paul Krugman Says Bitcoin Sets Monetary System Back 300 Years
17:45Donald Trump 0 + Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Paul Krugman Bashes Trump For Supporting “Economically Useless” Bitcoin03:00Paul Krugman cryptocurrency 0 + Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Quits Predicting Bitcoin’s Demise, Now Says BTC ‘Can Survive Indefinitely’19:03Op-ed 0 + Op Ed: Debunking Bitcoin Myths: ‘It’s a Ponzi Scheme’23:00Warren Buffet 0 + Bitcoin Mass Adoption Will Happen Naturally22:00Nic Carter 0 + This New Bitcoin ‘FUD Dice’ Makes Paul Krugman Obsolete16:40Cryptocurrency 0 + Economist Explains Why He Remains a Cryptocurrency Skeptic to This Day02:37kleros 0 + Win $800 By Disguising A Cat As A Doge20:56Fiat Money 0 + Nobel Prize Winning Economist Paul Krugman Expresses Skepticism About Crypto, Predicts Collapse
17:45Donald Trump 0 + Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Paul Krugman Bashes Trump For Supporting “Economically Useless” Bitcoin
03:00Paul Krugman cryptocurrency 0 + Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Quits Predicting Bitcoin’s Demise, Now Says BTC ‘Can Survive Indefinitely’
20:56Fiat Money 0 + Nobel Prize Winning Economist Paul Krugman Expresses Skepticism About Crypto, Predicts Collapse
03:38FTX 0 + Crypto institutions and Paul Krugman: a tale of misunderstanding18:20#scams 1 + Blockchain-Related Scam Emails Reach Nobel Prize Economist15:00Tulips 0 + Why Bitcoin is Incomparable to History’s Famous Bubbles01:00Yale 1 + Blinded by the Light: Why Top Economists Are Wrong About Bitcoin01:00paul krugman 0 + Paul Krugman Admits Bitcoin Has More Utility Than ‘Dead’ Gold17:45VET 0 + If Blockchain Can Save A Kid’s Life, Will Paul Krugman Be Satisfied?22:17business and finance 0 + Two Nobel Prize-Winning Economists Weigh In On Blockchain, Disagree About Usefulness
22:17business and finance 0 + Two Nobel Prize-Winning Economists Weigh In On Blockchain, Disagree About Usefulness