21:48Op-ed 0 + Op Ed: Bitcoin in Africa, What Needs to Be Done to Encourage Adoption?17:39hard fork 0 + Bitcoin pyramid scheme leaves Kenyans out of pocket after exit scam
18:19application 0 + Grassroots Economics Using Community Currency To Help Kenya's Underbanked18:45Uhuru Kenyatta 0 + Pesamill Africa Launches as Kenya’s Latest Exchange Offering P2P And Centralized Trading
18:45Uhuru Kenyatta 0 + Pesamill Africa Launches as Kenya’s Latest Exchange Offering P2P And Centralized Trading
00:00Scam 0 + Velox 10 Defrauds Thousands if Kenyans in Ponzi Scam17:45Zimbabwe 1 + Pushing the Boundaries of Economic Change: Bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange in Africa
17:45Zimbabwe 1 + Pushing the Boundaries of Economic Change: Bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange in Africa