17:08трейдинг 0 + Telegram-канал от имени биткоин-кита похитил 0,6 BTC под видом эирдропа UNI14:30Analysis 1 + Bitfinex Bitcoin whale hints recent bitcoin rally to $9,850 is manipulated and unsustainable
14:30Analysis 1 + Bitfinex Bitcoin whale hints recent bitcoin rally to $9,850 is manipulated and unsustainable
07:00xbtusd 1 + Whale: Before the Next Bitcoin Bull Run, Expect an Altcoin “Extinction Event”21:29Kraken News 0 + Bitcoin SV Delistings Helping It Scam Pump, Claims Bitfinex Whale
14:30Edge 1 + Bitfinex Bitcoin whale hints recent BTC rally to $9,850 is manipulated and unsustainable10:30Новости 0 + Биткоин-кит обвинил Binance в манипуляциях
14:30Edge 1 + Bitfinex Bitcoin whale hints recent BTC rally to $9,850 is manipulated and unsustainable