23:09Technology 0 + Axelar Virtual Machine brings 1-click inter-chain dApp deployment via AI-powered zk-proofs17:27IOST 0 + IOST Connects with Gravity for Inter-Chain DeFi10:00Web3 0 + Cosmos and Polkadot: Multi-Chain Infrastructures that Want to Revolutionize Blockchain
23:09Technology 0 + Axelar Virtual Machine brings 1-click inter-chain dApp deployment via AI-powered zk-proofs
18:00Openswap 0 + Impossible Finance to Feature OpenSwap as First Launchpad Project22:04Waves Node 1.2 Malibu 0 + Waves Malibu Upgrade Complete, Focus on “Sustainable DeFi”14:00XuperChain 0 + China’s Baidu Developing Next-Gen ‘XuperChain’ Network
17:15Link 0 + Cross-Chain Money Market Protocol Hard to Use Chainlink Price Feeds16:02Waves 3 + Waves Ports High-Interest Yielding Stablecoin Neutrino USD to Ethereum Network, Paves Path for Decentralized Forex and Inter-Chain DeFi
16:02Waves 3 + Waves Ports High-Interest Yielding Stablecoin Neutrino USD to Ethereum Network, Paves Path for Decentralized Forex and Inter-Chain DeFi