19:13dogecoin 0 + $1 Dogecoin Now A Distant Dream As Elon Musk’s Plan To Add Venmo-Like Payments To X Excludes DOGE02:00Thailand 0 + Thailand’s Stock Exchange Excludes Cryptos from Upcoming Digital Asset Exchange Platform16:00Markets 0 + NASDAQ Lists Cryptoindex.com’s AI-Powered CIX100 Index23:40#fintech 0 + The Reserve Bank of India’s Regulatory Sandbox Accepts Blockchain, Excludes Crypto20:00Securities 0 + Congress Members Seek to Exclude Cryptocurrencies from the Definition of a Security21:00trading volume 0 + Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchanges With the Highest Weekly Trading Volume – 2018 Week 40 Edition19:00Stellar 0 + New Morgan Creek Index Excludes ‘Pre-Mined’ Tokens Like XRP – But Not Ethereum
19:13dogecoin 0 + $1 Dogecoin Now A Distant Dream As Elon Musk’s Plan To Add Venmo-Like Payments To X Excludes DOGE
02:00Thailand 0 + Thailand’s Stock Exchange Excludes Cryptos from Upcoming Digital Asset Exchange Platform
20:00Securities 0 + Congress Members Seek to Exclude Cryptocurrencies from the Definition of a Security
21:00trading volume 0 + Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchanges With the Highest Weekly Trading Volume – 2018 Week 40 Edition
16:04Bitcoin 0 + South Korea excludes cryptocurrency in recently updated Donation Act22:21Trading & Investing 0 + Grayscale Reopens Deposits for New Investors In Its Crypto Trusts; Excludes Ethereum & XRP16:00Dash 0 + Coinbase Pro Adds Dash But Excludes New York and UK Traders02:00Regulations 0 + New Hampshire & Pennsylvania: Crypto-Payable Taxes, Cryptocurrency Not “Money”19:10УС 0 + US Excludes Iran’s Central Bank from the Global Financial System17:30XEM 0 + XEM Rises 12% And Is Among Top Performing Cryptos
22:21Trading & Investing 0 + Grayscale Reopens Deposits for New Investors In Its Crypto Trusts; Excludes Ethereum & XRP
13:28sanctions 0 + Binance excludes Banco de Venezuela from P2P payments23:30token freeze 0 + Flash Loan Attack: Origin Protocol Unveils Compensation Plan that Excludes Founders22:29wallets and exchanges 0 + CoinMarketCap Excludes Bitfinex's BTC Price From Analysis00:56US regulation 0 + Pennsylvania Excludes Crypto From Definition Of Money19:00Upbit 1 + South Korea Excludes Crypto Exchanges from Venture Firm Certification, Tax Rate Increases 100 Percent03:00XMR 0 + Morgan Creek Launches Digital Asset Index Fund, Excludes Ripple and Stellar Lumens
23:30token freeze 0 + Flash Loan Attack: Origin Protocol Unveils Compensation Plan that Excludes Founders
19:00Upbit 1 + South Korea Excludes Crypto Exchanges from Venture Firm Certification, Tax Rate Increases 100 Percent