17:59Thomas Bertani 0 + Eidoo Burns 28 Million $EDO in Preparation for Governance Token Upgrade on June 18th22:58European Union 0 + Visa Approves New DeFi-Enabled Crypto Card in EU and UK18:09News 0 + Crypto Statue Unveiled in London
17:59Thomas Bertani 0 + Eidoo Burns 28 Million $EDO in Preparation for Governance Token Upgrade on June 18th
18:00Switzerland 0 + Eidoo to Burn 80% of Company’s Token Holdings to Kickstart One of the Biggest Daos in Defi00:00gold investing 0 + New Crypto Backed By Gold Bullion Makes Debut
18:00Switzerland 0 + Eidoo to Burn 80% of Company’s Token Holdings to Kickstart One of the Biggest Daos in Defi
14:25Latest 0 + Crypto Visa card to launch for UK and Europe21:49Cryptocurrency 0 + Eidoo Announces New ERC20 Gold-Pegged Stablecoin