15:34security 0 + Monero privacy bug decreased anonymity for 3 years17:59Wallet 0 + This Photo Gallery App Is a BCH Light Wallet in Disguise
19:00shapeshift 1 + Privacy-Threatening Flaw Discovered in Monero’s (XMR) Wallet Code19:50Privacy & security 0 + Battle of the Privacycoins: Verge Offers Little Privacy and Nothing Unique
19:50Privacy & security 0 + Battle of the Privacycoins: Verge Offers Little Privacy and Nothing Unique
16:42приватность 1 + Разработчики Monero раскрыли ошибку в алгоритме обеспечения приватности20:21Privacy & security 0 + Battle of the Privacycoins: Why Monero Is Hard to Beat (and Hard to Scale)
20:21Privacy & security 0 + Battle of the Privacycoins: Why Monero Is Hard to Beat (and Hard to Scale)