20:48Congress 0 + FTX hearing: US lawmakers criticize use of Quickbooks, creepy dough, and 'conscientious stupidity'02:59Tech 0 + The AI community’s reaction to Microsoft’s $1BN ‘investment’ in OpenAI is priceless11:41World 0 + Why Snapchat’s new gender swap feature is problematic for trans people17:23distract 0 + We ranked Netflix’s new holiday movies on how likely they were written by a robot23:00Technology 0 + Brain Drone Racing – Control Drones With Your Mind
20:48Congress 0 + FTX hearing: US lawmakers criticize use of Quickbooks, creepy dough, and 'conscientious stupidity'
23:30Cryptocurrency News 0 + US Rep Warren Davidson Labels China’s DCEP A “Creepy Surveillance Tool”01:18Tech 0 + Why US public schools’ creepy use of surveillance AI should frighten you19:57Gaming 0 + We finally get a glimpse of System Shock 3 — and it was worth the wait02:03Insider 0 + Spotify unveils this year’s hilarious Wrapped billboards
14:51Growth 0 + It’s possible to monetize data while respecting consumer privacy — here’s how17:05Shareables 0 + Watch: Shutterstock recreates the Stranger Things trailer using only stock footage00:57Social Impact 0 + Facebook Is To Crypto What Rat Turds Are To Breakfast Cereal15:15Insider 0 + How to delete your Google Maps Location history
17:05Shareables 0 + Watch: Shutterstock recreates the Stranger Things trailer using only stock footage