19:13social media 0 + Decred launches new social media platform Bison Relay10:47Центральные банки 0 + ЦБ Португалии выдал банку Bison Bank лицензию для работы с криптоактивами15:25Cryptocurrency 0 + Struct Finance completes $3.9M seed funding round00:48biston trails 0 + Blockchain platform Bison Trails to support Acala and Karura for the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem16:00Visa 0 + Bison Trails supports Crypto.com’s payments blockchain with key infrastructure11:25поглощения 0 + Coinbase приобрела поставщика инфраструктурных решений Bison Trails11:29Блокчейн разработки 0 + Bison Trails запустил протокол для создания криптовалютных сервисов на основе Libra15:30Decentralization 0 + Bison Trails Announces Support for Celo Platform20:00Libra 0 + Celo Alliance’s Efforts Supported by Libra Members
00:48biston trails 0 + Blockchain platform Bison Trails to support Acala and Karura for the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem
11:29Блокчейн разработки 0 + Bison Trails запустил протокол для создания криптовалютных сервисов на основе Libra
23:00Coinbase 0 + Coinbase's plans to purchase firm behind Mercado Bitcoin fall through: Report08:49Portuguese central bank 0 + Portuguese regulator grants first crypto license to a bank20:35Real Estate Investment 0 + Real estate investment firm taps Bison Trails to explore use cases of Provenance blockchain16:00Partnerships 0 + Bison Trails and Volt Capital bring 'secure staking' to Celo network17:00developers 0 + Bison Trails' new Polkadot API promises faster access to data14:51фондовый рынок 0 + Объем торгов в приложении Bison Штутгартской фондовой биржи достиг €1 млрд07:43Libra Association 0 + Bison Trails launches QT protocol to help developers build on Libra14:48кредитование 0 + ConsenSys и Morgan Creek Digital инвестировали в DeFi-решение для биткоина
20:35Real Estate Investment 0 + Real estate investment firm taps Bison Trails to explore use cases of Provenance blockchain
10:48Португалия 0 + ЦБ Португалии впервые выдал криптовалютную лицензию банку21:04Press Release 0 + Struct Finance Raises $3.9M to Develop Structured Products on DeFi16:00developers 0 + Bison Trails launches Binance Smart Chain support11:28сша 0 + Bison Trails: «80% центральных банков изучают возможности государственных криптовалют»17:00Coinbase 0 + Bison Trails launches Global Blockchain Sync to enhance node operations, reduce lag times19:10Germany 0 + German Stock Exchange’s Crypto Trading App Surpasses $1 Billion Volume This Year20:12consensus 0 + Bison Trails’ New Software Could Make Slashing Penalties a Thing of the Past09:00Новости 0 + На Coinbase Custody появится возможность стекинга токенов Polkadot
17:00Coinbase 0 + Bison Trails launches Global Blockchain Sync to enhance node operations, reduce lag times