01:30Regulation 0 + Germany seizes $28 million in raid on unlicensed crypto ATMs15:31Cryptocurrencies 0 + US crypto custody firm BitGo wins BaFin license in Germany: Report11:42регулирование 0 + Германский регулятор предупредил инвесторов о криптоплатформе Bitcoin Bank Breaker17:08Regulation 0 + BaFin rejects Binance’s crypto custody license application17:01Digital Asset 0 + Deutsche Bank awaits regulatory approval to offer digital asset custody services18:35Stocks & shares 0 + Swarm Markets launches world’s first DeFi-compatible stocks and bonds02:00German bank 0 + BaFin warned Coinbase about “access issues”
11:42регулирование 0 + Германский регулятор предупредил инвесторов о криптоплатформе Bitcoin Bank Breaker
17:01Digital Asset 0 + Deutsche Bank awaits regulatory approval to offer digital asset custody services
20:01Germany 0 + BitGo secures cryptocurrency custody license in Germany18:05European Union 0 + German regulatory authority compares certain defi projects to ‘unidentifiable flying objects’23:30Cryptocurrency Exchange 0 + German regulator raised concerns about Binance CEO prior to license application withdrawal: Report14:06Мальта 0 + Германский регулятор отклонил заявку Binance на получение лицензии15:13Bafin 0 + Deutsche Bank reportedly applies for digital asset custody license from BaFin09:42безопасность 0 + BaFin предупредил о новом вирусе Godfather20:30Cryptocurrency Exchange 0 + Germany’s financial regulator orders Coinbase to address ‘business organization’ practices
18:05European Union 0 + German regulatory authority compares certain defi projects to ‘unidentifiable flying objects’
23:30Cryptocurrency Exchange 0 + German regulator raised concerns about Binance CEO prior to license application withdrawal: Report
20:30Cryptocurrency Exchange 0 + Germany’s financial regulator orders Coinbase to address ‘business organization’ practices
15:34регулирование 0 + Кастодиальный сервис BitGo получил лицензию германского регулятора13:54BIS 0 + German crypto regulator calls for global rules to also govern niche finance centers20:49Regulation 0 + Binance reevaluates German licensing plans, withdraws application18:51Cryptocurrency News 0 + Deutsche Bank Enters Digital Asset Custody to Drive Institutional Adoption14:48Хранение 0 + В Германии выдали лицензию на хранение криптовалют для Stuttgart Stock Exchange Digital17:26CertiK 0 + В Германии обнаружили новый троян для криптоприложений «Крестный отец»
18:51Cryptocurrency News 0 + Deutsche Bank Enters Digital Asset Custody to Drive Institutional Adoption
14:48Хранение 0 + В Германии выдали лицензию на хранение криптовалют для Stuttgart Stock Exchange Digital