2023-10-5 20:25 |
Decentralization could help bring scientists in underfunded fields and locations to the table without requiring relocation or reemployment origin »
2023-10-5 20:25 |
Decentralization could help bring scientists in underfunded fields and locations to the table without requiring relocation or reemployment origin »
The art piece donation “Ocean Front” was created to raise funds for climate change, which is now donated to RACA Foundation, which has recently announced a long-term sustainability project to help the environment and climate change through blockchain, NFT, and Web3 innovative solutions with NASA and NOAA scientists.
2022-11-18 23:30 | |
Even when you close your eyes at night, 100 billion neutrinos produced in the sun will pass through them – traveling close to the speed of light, but never hitting anything. Neutrinos are extremely elusive and only weakly interact with matter around them: nature’s true ghosts.
2019-9-1 12:00 | |
A team of researchers recently developed a robotic exosuit that makes it easier to walk or run long distances. It could imbue average people with superhuman walking abilities, aid the disabled, and help soldiers on long marches.
2019-8-17 01:19 | |
According to a news released on July 10, 2019, scientists from Lancaster University teamed up with Malaysian scholars to develop a physical representation of the blockchain to help people comprehend how the technology works and discover new potential applications.
2019-7-13 15:00 | |
With new technology emerging, we can create and code solutions to the planetngs together developers and data scientists to solve the world’s most pressing issues. Over 100,000 developers from 156 nations participated in 2018, building over 2,500 applications to help save lives.
2019-5-7 14:42 | |
Brain-computer interfaces have been around for several years now. In most cases, they are used to help people who are no longer capable of communicating on their own. University of California scientists successfully unveiled a new type of brain-computer interface.
2019-5-1 08:20 | |
NASA spent much of the 20th century commissioning painters and illustrators to imagine the future of space exploration. When Jeff Norris, the head of Mission Operations Innovation at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), wanted a way to inspire a new generation of potential engineers, scientists, and astronauts, he turned to a modern alternative to those artists: a games developer.
2019-4-14 16:38 | |
Scientists over the years have tried to find another planet which could be fully inhabited by humans but to no avail. This shows how our planet Earth should be of a high priority to us and also should be one of our top most priorities to ensure that this planet is maintained to sustain us into the future.
2019-2-23 16:58 | |
Most scientists believe the rate at which the moon and Earth have been bombarded by meteorites has remained constant for the past two to three billion years. Understanding the age of craters on the moon can help us better understand the age of our own planet because the Earth would have received similar numbers of impacts.
2019-2-5 10:52 | |
It’s estimated that 100 percent of citrus trees over three-years-old in the state of Florida have an incurable, deadly disease. They will wither and die within the next few years. California’s orchards are next.
2019-2-1 20:29 | |
When the towers in New York fell, I became obsessed with economics. I wanted to follow the money to understand what happened on that dreadful day. During that time of inquiry, I found myself very interested in Austrian economic theory.
2018-11-21 19:26 | |
Beachgoers in Israel must often contend with two nuisances in the long summer months: jellyfish and garbage. Jellyfish usually swarm the waters to terrorize bathers beginning in July (and sometimes even in June) and their gelatinous remains can be found dotting the shoreline for the next two months.
2018-9-13 13:00 | |
The future’s weird. Just when you’re disappointed with the lack of Star Trek-style replicators (come on, scientists), something unexpectedly badass rears its head. You know, like the Naked 3D fitness tracker.
2018-8-1 14:00 | |
All mammals experience a moment in the early stages of life where they’re nothing more than a handful of cells bouncing around a uterus. Eventually this cell-cluster attaches itself to the womb’s wall and that, folks, is how babies are made – well, it used to be.
2018-7-25 19:42 | |
A team of scientists from New York University recently developed an AI that creates Super Mario Bros. tutorial levels. It’ll teach you how to run and jump, but the Princess will still be in another castle.
2018-7-23 20:20 | |
A computer scientist at Stanford has founded a newly-distributed ledger research initiative called Center for Blockchain Research. The project, dedicated to researching and changing the fundamentals of blockchain use, could help in revolutionizing the industry by improving the way companies and people interact and complete financial transactions on DLT platforms.
2018-6-23 14:44 | |