2018-12-26 10:00 |
One of the cryptographers most often cited in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper has reason to think the industry's future is bright. origin »
2018-12-26 10:00 |
One of the cryptographers most often cited in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper has reason to think the industry's future is bright. origin »
Биткоин протестировал $73 000, исполнилось 16 лет со дня публикации white paper первой криптовалюты, Стивен Мулла провозгласил себя Сатоши Накамото, Чанпэн Чжао впервые выступил на публике после выхода из тюрьмы и другие события уходящей недели.
2024-11-5 20:22 | |
Halloween marks the 15th anniversary of a groundbreaking event in finance and technology – the publication of the Bitcoin white paper by an unknown individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
2023-11-1 22:00 | |
The release of the white paper coincides with new digital asset regulations in Hong Kong, raising further interest in China’s stance toward the crypto industry.
2023-5-28 09:54 | |
The white paper proposes more tax reform, clearer accounting standards and a DAO law.
2023-4-6 12:51 | |
Джек Дорси опубликовал ссылку на white paper децентрализованной биткоин-биржи TBD на базе своей платежной компании Square. First draft of white paper is up, and on GitHub: https://t.
2021-11-21 10:41 | |
On October 31st, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper, sparking a series of events that changed the world as we know it. The White Paper contained ingenious propositions and solutions that made it a pacesetter for its time.
2021-11-1 19:43 | |
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the world’s largest lender by assets, and they’ve just released a crypto white paper
2020-4-22 00:56 | |
С термином White Paper большинство наших соотечественников познакомилось во время ICO-бума 2017-2018 годов. В то же время, в Великобритании первый White Paper появился около ста лет назад. Само собой, к криптоиндустрии этот документ не имел никакого отношения. Рассмотрим, что из себя представляет этот термин сегодня.
2019-9-26 08:00 | |
A redditor sets up a petition, demanding that the name of self-assumed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright be removed from the copyright of BTC’s white paper
2019-5-22 17:56 | |
Предприниматель в очередной раз назвал себя автором white paper первой криптовалюты и ранней версии ее кода. В то же время курс альткойна Bitcoin SV за час вырос на 127% Австралийский ученый Крейг Райт подал две заявки в Бюро авторского права США.
2019-5-22 13:00 | |
Bitcoin's white paper has its flaws, too.
2018-10-30 11:00 | |
Bill Barhydt, founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency platform Abra, wrote an opinion piece at CoinDesk in which he talks about Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin white paper. He starts the article by saying that he read Satoshi’s white paper just a few weeks after it was released. About the whole white paper, he remembers […]
2018-10-28 03:54 | |
Bitcoin's white paper solving the double-spend problem in the digital world makes near real-time commerce possible across the entire planet.
2018-10-27 12:15 | |
30-31 октября в Тбилиси 200+ криптоэнтузиастов из 10 стран отметят 10-летний юбилей White Paper биткойна Сообщение Bitcoinbirthday — 10 лет White Paper биткойна появились сначала на Freedman.
2018-10-11 19:48 | |
Клей Спейс, основатель блокчейн-проекта Back to Earth, загрузил в систему на базе искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения 100 white paper ICO. И дал задание программе написать собственную документацию.
2018-6-26 14:40 | |
Cryptojacking is on the rise. In fact, it’s now one of the fastest-growing types of cybercrime. And here’s the real kicker: you don’t have to be involved in cryptocurrency to become a victim. In fact, just about as idyllic as Satoshi’s white paper, cryptojacking is completely blind to status, wealth, or centralized organizations. According to […]
2018-6-24 21:00 | |
Виталик Бутерин совместно с Джейсоном Тойчем составили и опубликовали white paper. В рамках данного документа разработчики Ethereum и TrueBit в полном объеме описали концепцию интерактивной кампании по первичному размещению токенов.
2018-6-22 15:11 | |
Vitalik Buterin, the Russian-conceived maker of Ethereum [ETH], proposed that the National Security Agency [NSA] was engaged with the development of the virtual currency. A man or gathering called Satoshi Nakamoto distributed a white paper in 2008 which first set out the mechanics of Bitcoin [BTC]. Be that as it may, albeit a few people […]
2018-6-17 03:38 | |
It’s been a turbulent time for the cryptocurrency markets, so now is a good time to reflect on how and why we got here in the first place. First, an op ed makes the ideological case for Bitcoin.
2018-6-16 04:35 | |
According to Tether, each Tether token is backed by one U. S. dollar, held in the full reserve of Tether. Tether and Bitfinex Whereas most cryptocurrencies have a finite supply of tokens, Tether does not.
2018-6-15 00:34 | |
All Cypherpunks value privacy; it’s basically the founding principle of the collective of cryptographers, academics, developers and activists grouped around the 1990s mailing list by the same name.
2018-6-15 23:31 | |
There is substantial controversy surrounding Tether, a cryptocurrency that claims to be pegged to the U. S. dollar. According to Tether, each Tether token is backed by one U.
2018-6-14 22:01 | |
A key aspect of modern society is its trust in reliable government and monetary systems. Government and central banks have been the guardians of the financial system.
2018-6-14 19:35 | |
With the creation of Bitcoin and its blockchain, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced an entirely new practical application for cryptography, unearthing an unexplored area for computer science and technological development.
2018-6-11 17:04 | |
Venmo could be the ultimate cryptocurrency experience from a user-experience perspective. Any cryptocurrency that seeks to power the future of global transactions must ensure that it is supported by a payment system that is simple, user-friendly and free — like Venmo.
2018-6-11 16:51 | |