100 pow → Результатов: 9


Институт блокчейна: Tron потребляет почти на 100% меньше электроэнергии, чем BTC и ETН

Аналитики Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute выяснили, что алгоритм DPoS блокчейна Tron требует в разы меньше электроэнергии, чем майнинг криптоактивов на консенсусе PoW.

2022-8-25 16:06

Doomsday Clock Nears Midnight, Time to Buy Bitcoin?

The Doomsday Clock is now closer than its ever been in its 73 year history to spelling out the total destruction of mankind. Surely it must be Bitcoin o’clock now?  The world’s experts sound the alarm Amid the rumors that Bitcoin and other Proof of Work (PoW) cryptocurrencies are unsustainable drains on the environment which consume too many resources, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has updated the famed Doomsday Clock to 100 seconds closer toRead More The post appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.

2020-1-26 05:00


Governance, Part 2: Plutocracy Is Still Bad

Coin holder voting, both for governance of technical features, and for more extensive use cases like deciding who runs validator nodes and who receives money from development bounty funds, is unfortunately continuing to be popular, and so it seems worthwhile for me to write another post explaining why I (and Vlad Zamfir and others) do not consider it wise for Ethereum (or really, any base-layer blockchain) to start adopting these kinds of mechanisms in a tightly coupled form in any significant way.

2018-7-21 23:03