Garlicoin - Memes, games, and more

Ethereum taught us that a cryptocurrency that can actually be used for something has a high success rate. Live since 2018, Garlicoin has rolled out Discord and Reddit tipbots, delicious memes, a payment service, a free faucet, and many more tools for its user base and ecosystem. So what's GRLC all about? дальше »

2021-6-24 18:00

John McAfee on life as an outlaw

In October 2020 John McAfee was arrested in Spain on charges of promoting unregistered ICO offerings and tax evasion. Today he has been found dead in his jail cell in Barcelona. In this podcast episode, recorded a year before his arrest, he talks to Andy Pickering about all things crypto and his life on the run. дальше »

2021-6-24 14:45