Working with respected affiliates such as the Blockchain Research Institute, techUK and 11:FS, Blockchain Live boasts the big names in blockchain with the likes of Bitfury, ConsenSys and EOS sharing the stage with leading industry voices.
Blockchain Live 2018 will echo the successful launch from the year previous, delivering industry inspired content from household names and entrepreneurial spirit from the innovators pushing blockchain’s boundaries.
Service providers exhibiting at Blockchain Live include leading blockchain application and platform providers such as; EOS, Zencash, Medical Chain, Applied Blockchain, Bitfury and ConsenSys.
The Blockchain Bust-up is a live debate on contentious themes around the application, governance and regulation of blockchain technology with experts giving alternative points of view.
View Blockchain Live 2018 headline speaker announcement
Testimonials from last year’s event from our attendees, sponsors and exhibitors:
‘After the 2017 show, Blockchain Live is set to become the must-attend event for entrepreneurs, technologists and business in the cryptocurrency and blockchain application space.’
Charley Cooper MD, R3 Partner, Speaker and Contributor:
‘The interesting thing about the conference is that it’s brought together people from various different industries and multiple sectors to figure out how this technology can be deployed.’
Bob Yelland IBM:
‘It’s 3pm at Blockchain Live, we’ve been talking to customers since 8:30 this morning, we’ve had retail clients, banking, insurance, manufacturing and many start-ups.’
‘Attending Blockchain Live has been the most impacting event of the year for me.
The year of 2018 saw cryptocurrency users and enthusiasts lose a lot of money. The year started off with…
The post Hackers Netted Nearly $1 Million in Blockchain Bug Bounties in 2018 appeared first on Invest In Blockchain.
24 декабря 2018 года в Совете Федерации РФ прошло последнее в уходящем году занятие для слушателей 6 потока программы дополнительного образования Blockchain Lawyers «Правовые основы и юридические практики работы с криптовалютой и блокчейн проектами».
Blockchain developers are in high demand as the profession ranks number 1 on LinkedIn’s emerging jobs list for 2018.…
The post Blockchain Developer is “Biggest Growing Job Sector in 2018” According to LinkedIn appeared first on Invest In Blockchain.
BTCWIRES is organizing WIRESUMMIT 2018, a blockchain event for the Blockchain community in New Delhi on December 2, 2018. The exclusive gathering of investors and Blockchain startups is being held with an expectation to attract blockchain enthusiasts, experts, influencers, investors.
WIRESUMMIT 2018, an upcoming blockchain event for the broader Blockchain communities is around the corner. The exclusive gathering of investors and Blockchain startups is being organized in the capital city of India on December 2, 2018.
В Санкт-Петербурге состоялся крупнейший международный форум по блокчейну, криптовалютам и майнингу — Blockchain Life 2018. Глобальное событие индустрии посетили лидирующие компании отрасли, среди которых: мировые криптовалютные биржи (Okex, Huobi и др.
7 ноября стартует престижнейшее собрание индустрии Blockchain Life 2018, где создателям, руководителям крипто-компаний и делегатам от правительственных институтов предоставится возможность обсудить и наметить стратегию дальнейшего развития индустрии .
7-8 ноября в Санкт-Петербурге в стенах ЭкспоФорума состоится крупнейшее событие криптоиндустрии России и Европы - форум по блокчейну, криптовалютам и майнингу Blockchain Life 2018.
Blockchain Live 2018 descended on London, taking Olympia Grand by storm, showcasing the universal benefits of blockchain technology to the public and private sector.
The post Blockchain Live 2018 Showcases Exponential Growth appeared first on CoinSpeaker.
Russian Blockchain Day 2018 — это день погружения в мир блокчейна и криптовалют. На мероприятии выступят более 20 топ-экспертов, которые шаг за шагом расскажут обо всех возможностях применения технологии, реальных кейсах и ответят на один из основных вопросов отрасли — какие именно новые возможности открывает технология блокчейн бизнесу и частным лицам.
согласно отчету KPMG за 2018 год было зарегистрировано значительное увеличение расходов на индустрию Blockchain в 2018 году.
Сообщение Расходы США на индустрию Blockchain в 2018 году уже затмили весь 2017 год появились сначала на Freedman.
Митапы в Петербурге, Москве и Киеве, интенсив от QIWI Blockchain Technologies и Цифровой экономический форум. 31 июля Waves St. Petersburg blockchain Meetup Обсуждение принципов и возможностей технологии блокчейн и возможностей его применения в реальном бизнесе: эмиссия криптовалют и токенов, интеграция в блокчейна в традиционный бизнес, разработка новых бизнес-схем, краудфандинг, токенизация, эйрдроп, смарт-контракты.
6 сентября 2018 года состоится Odessa Blockchain Summit 2018 – событие международного уровня в сфере криптовалют и blockchain технологий, где соберутся профессионалы из разных стран мира. Bitcoin, Криптовалюты, Blockchain, ICO… Мыльный пузырь или настоящая революция?! Несмотря на шок в криптосообществе из-за падения курсов основных криптовалют, только за первую половину 2018 года ICO-проекты привлекли на $6.3 […]
Check out the report created by OK Blockchain Capital covering main trends of blockchain industry over June 30-July 6, 2018, with strong focus placed on the market overview, analysis of the newly listed and closed public sales projects, along with topical news on global governmental policies.
14 июля в Гонконге проведут Blockchain Global Summit 2018, организованный Sanyan Blockchain и Bianews – двумя крупными конкурирующими блокчейн-медиа в Китае. На мероприятии планируется собрать руководителей блокчейн-организаций, знаменитостей, экспертов, технических специалистов и крупных инвесторов со всего мира.
The Golem Network could prove to be one of the most impressive dapps on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform (which launched as a beta, dubbed Brass, on Ethereum’s main net April 2018 after 14 software implementations) lets people rent out their spare computing power to join cluster computing networks.
Bitcoin Press Release: Helping mankind by creating a global network of buying and selling of renewable solar energy, Solareum will list its SLRM coin on multiple exchanges for ease of acquisition and trading for users worldwide.
Хешрейт Биткоина достиг рекордных значений в июне. Именно повышение сложности майнинга главной криптовалюты толкает экспертов на новые бычьи прогнозы. Об этом пишет Bitcoinist. Майнить Биткоин ещё сложнее По данным Blockchain.
The FIFA World Cup 2018 has started with a major blast, with an overall 32 teams formed for the play. The crypto-world supports multiple industries but what keeps it in flames with the current market is the continuous evolving with the changes of the season.
Lugano, Switzerland – June 19, 2018 – RigoBlock, the decentralized asset management protocol that allows users to create and run a fund on the Ethereum blockchain, has announced its partnership with leading ICO advisory firm TokenMarket.
Last month, Forbes speculated that the 2018 World Cup in Russia could boost the price of Bitcoin. That prediction…
The post The Official 2018 Crypto World Cup Squad appeared first on Invest In Blockchain.
The Blockchain Amsterdam Conference will arrive in RAI Amsterdam next week for the second leg of the 2018 World…
The post Blockchain Amsterdam Conference arrives in RAI Amsterdam, Don’t Miss Out! appeared first on Invest In Blockchain.
The initial excitement that came with the launch of the EOS blockchain has now turned into controversy and confusion. On June 16, 2018, ZyCrypto reported that the EOS Mainnet had suddenly frozen after just two days of its launch.
На утро среды ситуация на криптовалютном рынке, в ТОП-10 выглядит следующим образом
Сообщение Обзор курсов ТОП-10 криптовалют к USD — 20 июня 2018 появились сначала на News: Все новости о Bitcoin, Криптовалютах, Blockchain, ICO.
\Chain Accelerator has launched in France. It is the first startup acceleratordedicated to the blockchain that can call Europe its home. Among the organization’s chief operators are Hyperloop Transportation Technologies chairman Bibop G.
The Digital Future Council made its public debut on June 18, 2018, at the 2018 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. With founding members from such organizations as IBM, Vice, CNN, Lego and Warner Bros.
Bitcoin’s hash rate reached new all-time highs in June, prompting well-known industry figures to renew calls for imminent price increases. Keiser: ‘Price Follows Hashrate’ Data from Blockchain.
Madison, Mississippi, June 16, 2018 – Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology has entered almost every niche of today’s society on a global scale. It was only a matter of time before some forward-thinking company would introduce it in the form of a new online platform to create a vastly improved modus-operandi for the ever-expanding world of Gig Workers.
When the GDPR entered into force on May 25, 2018, mailboxes around the world were flooded with obligatory emails by various services informing their customers about the new “GDPR compliant privacy policies.
The Financial Times has reported that profits for cryptocurrency hedge funds have taken a sharp decline, in direct correlation with the negative price action seen with the overall cryptocurrency market.
На утро вторника ситуация на криптовалютном рынке, в ТОП-10 выглядит следующим образом
Сообщение Обзор курсов ТОП-10 криптовалют к USD — 19 июня 2018 появились сначала на News: Все новости о Bitcoin, Криптовалютах, Blockchain, ICO.
“When Blockchain Revolution came out, bitcoin was worth around $7 billion. Today, it’s more than twenty-two times that. Bitcoin is the workhorse of the cryptocurrency world and the cryptocurrency that launched a thousand ships.
The Supreme Court’s ruling to legalize sports betting back in May 2018 has been huge news for many betting companies. It has been particularly welcome news for BlitzPredict – the...
The post Press Release: BlitzPredict to Launch Main Blockchain Betting Platform Just in Time for the World Cup appeared first on Trustnodes.
Bitcoin Press Release: Aeron, the new standard for aviation safety, announces the native ARN token to be accepted on the Aerotrips. com aviation marketplace. 18th June 2018. London, UK: Aviation is one of the most popular modes of transport, whether it be passenger or freight.
Ruff Chain recognized this and started working on it four years ago. “When a company intends to build a blockchain, the first question they encounter is ‘what consensus mechanisms should be employed?’.
На утро понедельника ситуация на криптовалютном рынке, в ТОП-10 выглядит следующим образом
Сообщение Обзор курсов ТОП-10 криптовалют к USD — 18 июня 2018 появились сначала на News: Все новости о Bitcoin, Криптовалютах, Blockchain, ICO.
The Supreme Court’s ruling to legalize sports betting back in May 2018 has been huge news for many betting companies. It has been particularly welcome news for BlitzPredict – the Las Vegas-based blockchain platform focused on providing information and tools for sports bettors.
It was easy to feel the energy and excitement at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts Theatre as a massive crowd of blockchain enthusiasts flowed into the 2018 Blockchain Connect Conference, forcing it to quickly reach capacity.
What will 2018 mean for the digital asset and blockchain space? Here are a few of the team’s predictions.
The post Looking Ahead: 2018 Predictions for the Digital Asset Space appeared first on Ripple.
Крупнейшее финтех-событие в Нью-Йорке, саммит в Москве, Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference в Тбилиси, а также мероприятия в Цуге, Минске, Киеве и Санкт-Петербурге. 18 июня, онлайн Product Hub QIWI Universe 3.
A recent document released by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) reveals Walmart has filed a patent for managing demand on an electrical grid using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
На утро воскресенья ситуация на криптовалютном рынке, в ТОП-10 выглядит следующим образом
Сообщение Обзор курсов ТОП-10 криптовалют к USD — 17 июня 2018 появились сначала на News: Все новости о Bitcoin, Криптовалютах, Blockchain, ICO.
After just two days of launching its Mainnet, the EOS blockchain has ground to a halt. According to a Steemit post by the top 21 EOS block producers (BPs), the EOS network suddenly paused at 10:01 UTC on June 16, 2018.
На утро субботы ситуация на криптовалютном рынке, в ТОП-10 выглядит следующим образом
Сообщение Обзор курсов ТОП-10 криптовалют к USD — 16 июня 2018 появились сначала на News: Все новости о Bitcoin, Криптовалютах, Blockchain, ICO.
It’s been a turbulent time for the cryptocurrency markets, so now is a good time to reflect on how and why we got here in the first place. First, an op ed makes the ideological case for Bitcoin.
A South Korean commercial banks group will initiate a blockchain-powered customer ID verification platform in July 2018, as per the reports on June 12. Reportedly, the Korea Federation of Banks (KFB) will launch their “BankSign” identity verification system to be made use of in both online computer-based and mobile banking. According to the report, development […]
esports. com, the famed bridge between cryptocurrency and online gaming are marching forward with a brand-new idea that is set to see the establishment of an Esports University. The Esports University will see a collaboration between the blockchain revolution, the online gaming industry and the education sector, in a move that is designed to both utilise the ERT Token and of course the Esports platform.
BTC fell 4. 22 percent on the day, trading at $7,602. 44, down $160 in a 24 hour period. Ripple is one of the only major cryptocurrencies to see a small gain this morning, rising 3. 19 percent to trade at $0.